Unable to connect to home assistant after 6 week holiday


My configuration is core 2024.3.3 running on raspberry pi. Companion app 2024.696.
All was working prior to leaving. iPad came on holiday with me. After returning, iPad reports unable to connect. iPad app settings web socket shows connected to my server. Android app on my phone works fine and shows all iPad sensors as working but the iPad app shows unable to connect message. Exactly the same symptoms if I manually login via browser on iPad.

I assume this is due to the iPad selecting a new MAC address when returning from holidays (private wifi address enabled).

I cannot seem to fix this. I tried rebooting, deleting the iPad app, deleting the iPad integration on the server but it still does the same thing.

Any thoughts on debugging further?

This sounds more like a VPN running or wrong WiFi network connected if you have multiple.

Yes I do run vpn. But how do I reinstate the iPad. I already tried deleting the integration but it didn’t help. There must be some other artefact to delete.

Also to add, this is local network only, I don’t have an external connection.

If your VPN is active then the iPad tries to connect from the VPN server and that is probably not possible, so make sure the VON is disabled.
There should not be anything else to do.

Ok it works when the vpn is off but it used to work with vpn on before I went on holidays.

So how does the vpn affect local ip address traffic. I will see if some settings have changed somewhere.

A normal configured VPN willnroute øl traffic to the VPN server, so all traffic will be external.
Some VPNs can be configured to only work for certain apps or certain IPs/addresses.

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Yep, agreed. I looked further and it seems the vpn I have routes only web traffic which makes sense since HA server can see the iPad sensors but the gui doesn’t work. I think software updates must have changed the vpn.
Thanks for pinpointing this for me.