"Unable to connect to Home Assistant." after connecting via squid reverse proxy on pfSense

On my PfSense I have configured a Squid reverse proxy for the connection to my HomeAssistant.
At first everything looked fine but after I entere my login credentials , I get the message “Unable to connect to Home Asisstant”
Any Ideas ?

My Configuration:

use_x_forwarded_for: true

Did you ever figure this out?

I am using pfSense with squid reverse proxy. This is working great for my Blue Iris, Plex Server, a couple other small services.

I’ve got the trusted proxies setup and the corrected the error 400.

However, how I’ve got the same issue as above, it just says unable to connect.
I believe it has something to do with webhooks but there doesn’t appear to be any direct configuration to allow webhooks or whatever in pfSense with Squid.