Unable to connect to Home Assistant Interface

Hello, I am brand new to the home assistant so I bought a HomeAssistant Blue so I can get into this as easily as possible. I just received it the other day and am trying to get it wired in for the first time.
When the screen loads up I login with root to get info on the build.
Version 2021.6.6
I Try to navigate to HTTP homeassiatant.local:8123 yields This site cant be reached
attempting to go to HTTP 10.0.0.##:8123 also yields This site cant be reached

When trying to get to HTTP://10.0.0.##:4357 I do successfully get to a page that reads Home Assistant observer Supervisor: Connected
So, something seems to connect on that port.
HTTP //homeassistant.local:4357/ also gets to the same page so the Homeassistant.local seems to render an IP address without issue.
Does anyone have any insight into why port 8123 is not rendering anything or have suggestions on how I can troubleshoot this?
Thank you

Same issue reported here: Struggling to Start - #12 by jcasarini