Unable to connect to local HA Rasberry Pi5 instance

I have just installed an instance of the Home Assistant OS on a Rasberry PI 5 connected to my local UDR network via an Ethernet connection. I can see the PI 5 on my local network, ping it with good response and see green lights blinking on the E’net cable – but I cannot connect to the HA instance using Chrome on Windows 11: returns a “Connection Refused” every time. I have tried Edge and Firefox – same outcome. Since I am only trying local access, I am guessing that I do not need to fuss with port forwarding. HA instructions and various YouTube videos make it sound so simple – what could I be missing?

Can you connect a monitor and keyboard to the Pi? If so, observe the boot for any errors. Also, have you tried to connect using just the IP: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8123 AND http://homeassistant.local:8123

Hi Mark – I have tried the IP address to no avail. I have the PI 5 connected to a HDMI port on my TV and had the Rasbian OS singing along quite nicely. But I rebooted the HA OS with the HDMI connection active expecting some activity to show on the TV screen but zilch. Maybe my HA OS image is inoperative?

I would agree - you should see the HA splash screen after boot.

Are you following these instructions to build the image (and specifically the RPi5 instructions)? Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant.

Hi Again – Turns out I can’t count! Tried again and got a message on the monitor – Waiting for Home Assistant CLI to start followed by CLI not starting, go to emergency console?? Guess I need to take some further action. I did follow the image creation script – had a couple of tries before I got a green light on the PI.

I found a few posts that suggested typing “login” at the CLI prompt. Tried this a few times and it simply returned to the Waiting for CLI… Also observed the boot sequence and did not notice any errors, seemed to finish normally and post the Waiting for CLI message.

Can you post a screenshot of what is displayed on the monitor?

I have the Rasberry PI 5 linked to my tv and I think I am in the HA OS so I’m don’t know how to get a screen shot. I took a fresh image and it looks like the HA OS boots Ok, at least no errors showing in the long playback of the boot process – seems to end up with some time settings then flips to the “waiting for the CLI” to start" followed by a request to start the emergency console with a # prompt. Typed a ? and got a /bin/ash response (Linux Shell?). Still cannot connect via Chrome using the Rasberry’s IP – tried fiddling with the Chrome settings but no luck.

Make sure that you can ping/reach github.com and ghcr.io

Reached both from Win 11 Command Line and Shell command on Rasberry PI/HAOS

And via Chrome

Also if I ping homeassistant and homeassistant.local the ping returns the Rasberry PI ip address and responds successfully.

Can’t you take a picture with a phone/tablet?

What’s UDR?

Make sure you use http and not httpS to connect to HA, your browser can automatically switch

Will take a picture – UDR is a Ubiquiti Dream Router

Tried the picture route – nice reflection of me! Will get a (cheap) video capture gadget.

I moved the PI and connected it to my desktop monitor’s hdmi port. Looks more promising but the URLs still will not connect via Win 11/Chrome. I am suspecting the Ubiquiti router is somehow getting in the way.

Don’t you have a simple network switch to connect the RPi to as a test?

You mean somehow connect it directly to the ISP bypassing the router?

No, connect it to your LAN, with a simple switch (if you have that) and bypassing the router.
I assume your router (the UDR) is used to connect your LAN with the internet.
Are these ports configurable and could it be that they are somehow isolated to eachother?

Did you make sure you use http?
Isn’t Chrome switching to httpS by default?

I got in! I had an old ISP router sitting around and I used its 5g wireless address and that did it. So something on my LAN (yes it does connect to the Internet) is not liking the home assistant URL – the Rasberry PI is fine on its own. Don’t recall Chrome switching to https – did use http

Good you got it solved!

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