Unable to connect to the server

Hi everybody !

Since exactly 3 months I’ve got a duckdns adress, a letsencrypt certification (+ nginx) and it rocks ! I can connect to my instance of HA from outdoor.
I renewed my Letsencrypt certificate 2 weeks ago without troubles to be sure to don’t be stopped.

But I’ve got a problem since this morning… I can’t access to HA from outdoor. (With my local adress : no problem.)
I tried to renew again my certificate but apparently it’s too early.

I saw I created my duckdns adress the 7 march 2017, so 3 months ago exactly.

Do I need to renew something else at this level ?
Do you have a solution ?

Thank you !!!

Did you check in your duckdns account if the IP match your home IP address?

How do you keep DuckDNS up to date? (Maybe your ISP assign you an IP for 3 month?)

My duckdns adress matches with my home IP.
Moreover my home’s IP didn’t changed…

I updated my duckdns account with :

It tells me its “Update”

But no effect…

Do you have a static IP address?

Because normally your home IP will change over time so you need a process that refresh it (there are many ways to achieve that).

Like described here:

Did you try to access your hass instance directly through your home IP address. Try this with 3G/4G, not from your home network, not sure it would work if your connected to your home network, it’s depending on your router.

Edit: I see you updated your answer ^^
Be sure that when you connect on duckdns.org, under current ip you see the same IP as on http://whatismyipaddress.com/

When I go on http://whatismyipaddress.com/ ; I see my adrress has no changed !

I tried too to make a ssl verification, and I’ve got this answer :
“Assessment failed: Unable to connect to the server”

Did you try to access hass through your public IP?
https://publicIP:hass_port or https://publicIP ?

No… I’ve got just an access with my local IP (192.168.x.x)…

I don’t understand, yesterday it worked well and now, just 3 months after duckdns creation, nothing…

Do you think it’s just a coincidence ?

No, I think it must be a problem with your letsencrypt certificate.

I suppose the renewal you made was not successful and the original certificate is not valid anymore (valid 90 days).

Could you try to actualize your certificate and check log or console output for any error.


I’m sorry… Bouygues in France changed my public IP :flushed:

so it works…

I’m so sorry again…

in any cases, thank you for all your answers !!!

Alala quel imbécile :yum:

It’s usually the most obvious problem that are the hardest to point out, nice that you found the solution :smile:

Make sure to install one of the solution from duckdns to automatically refresh your public IP: