Since exactly 3 months I’ve got a duckdns adress, a letsencrypt certification (+ nginx) and it rocks ! I can connect to my instance of HA from outdoor.
I renewed my Letsencrypt certificate 2 weeks ago without troubles to be sure to don’t be stopped.
But I’ve got a problem since this morning… I can’t access to HA from outdoor. (With my local adress : no problem.)
I tried to renew again my certificate but apparently it’s too early.
I saw I created my duckdns adress the 7 march 2017, so 3 months ago exactly.
Do I need to renew something else at this level ?
Do you have a solution ?
Did you try to access your hass instance directly through your home IP address. Try this with 3G/4G, not from your home network, not sure it would work if your connected to your home network, it’s depending on your router.