Unable to connect via duckdns

Hi there,
My duckdns adress stopped working a while ago, and I worked around it by using the local ip while at home, but of course I want access via the app when I’m not home.
I can’t figure out what’s wrong and have tried following several other examples.

api_password: !secret http_password
base_url: https://xxxxxxx.duckdns.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem

duckdns settings:
“lets_encrypt”: {
“accept_terms”: true,
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”
“token”: “xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“domains”: [
“seconds”: 300

I’ve added rules to the router to forward all port 443 and 8123 traffic to the local RPi IP:8123.

No duckdns.org adress works, not http://, not https://, neither with or without ports at the end.

I’d love to troubleshoot this on my own but have no clue to where to even start looking, so any help is greatly appreciated.


Could you format your code using the </> button in the editor please? It makes it easier to see whether there are obvious syntax/indentation issues

Also what do your HA logs say?

Ok, so it was working. Revert to that working configuration, restart the add-on and go to the duckdns.org website, sign in and check if the IP address there matches the public IP address of your router.

Hope the editing of the code worked, couldn’t really tell a difference…
The logs say a lot, but nothing related to the issue since I’m stopped before reaching HA (I suppose). Or is there any smart way of filtering the log?

I’m afraid it’s not formatted correctly.
What about the questions that @tom_l raised?

Hi Tom,
Thanks for the reply. I didn’t change anything in the config, so reverting won’t help.
I did both restart and even reinstall duckdns, but to no avail. Both .pem file were succesfully created.
Regarding the IP, it is rather weird. The IP of the router and the duckdns aren’t the same, but if I change manually the duckdns addon changes it back.

This could mean your ISP has implemented CGNAT. Time to have a chat to them.

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That was a very correct analysis: I called them and they gave me a public ip instead, and now it works.
Thaks a lot!

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Hi Tom -I found this useful, my routers WAN IP didn’t match the IP returned when I looked up my external IP Address. So duckdns was setting up the ISP address not my Routers WAN address. I found that my ISP had recently implemented CGNAT. I gave them a call and they switched it off for my account.

Thanks for the tip :slight_smile: