Unable to Connect via IP or local

So this is my first time working with VM’s, servers, and pretty much all of this, so please take it easy on me.
I set up HA in Docker on a spare system I have. I don’t have a drive handy, which is why I didn’t opt for OS install. I got everything setup without any hitches, until I tried to access. I have tried ipaddress:8123 and homeassistant.local:8123 and neither allows me to connect.
When trying to connect via .local, I get the DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. But when I try to access via ip address, it throws the ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT error.
I did verify with both that I was using http:// and not https://
Obviously, I have to be missing something. But what is it?
And in case this matters, in the container screen of Docker, the Ports column is empty

What os are you running?

What commandline did you run to start the docker container?

I am running Windows 10 Pro on that system and I used the Admin CMD to launch.

So you are trying to run home assistant inside docker inside windows. Not a good idea, in fact I think not even possible.

It is not an official installation option: Windows - Home Assistant

install VMWare Player, and HA-OS in that, … if your not getting tired of Microsofts " Forced Reboot " in the middle of the nights :slight_smile: :frowning:

Oh! I was working off of the x86-64 install guide.
In this case I’ll just wait till I have a drive handy and I will just reimage the computer with the OS.

Running HA in docker requires docker host mode, which is not supported on windows…