Unable to control zigbee light bulb from from HA but binding to remote control works

I have set up several light groups (using Namron RGB ZIgbee GU10 light bulbs) using zigbee2mqtt. In addition to the light bulbs I also have a Zigbee RGB remote control (also from Namron), and I created bindings for each light group (using “Bind” tab in zigbee2mqtt). The remote control supports up to 4 groups, I have 3 groups (not to be confused with groups offered by HA) of 4 lights in each group.

It all worked fine. Later I read about Home Assitant group helpers and watched a few videos, so in addition to groups assigned using remote control bindings, I used HA Groups helper to create 3 groups with 4 lights in each. I am not 100% sure but I believe I tested HA groups upon creating and saw that I could use them to switch multiple lights on and off simultaneously, similarly to how I do it using RGB control.

That was about a month ago while I was running HA version 2023.5 and earlier version of zigbee2mqtt. Yesterday (and after a few updates of both HA Core and zigbee2mqtt) I decided to try voice assistant to swtich lights on and off, and suddenly found out that none of my light groups responded. I tried to manage lights using HA UI, but pressing On/Off buttons didn’t produce any effect. What was strange is that even though controls didn’t work, the light groups correcly exposed the state of the light: whenever I changed the light strength of color using RGB remote control (which still works perfectly), the corresponding light group quickly reflected the state change. But nothing could be controlled direclty from HA UI. I also tried individual lights and they didn’t respond to On/Off changes either. I even tried to unregister some bulbs and registered them again - still everything works fine using remote contol (which I set up from within Home Assistant), but no response to light changes from Home Assistant UI.

All other lights in my system (managed by Aqara relays) work fine and respond to control changes from Home Assistant UI.

Has anyone experienced such behavior? I am suspicious to Namron bulbs but I believe I managed to switch them on and off during the initial setup a month ago, and they worked fine when I bound them to RGB remote control also using Home Assistant UI.

An update to my original post: after updating zigbee2mqtt to the newest version (1.32.1-1) I can properly control my light groups. 1.32 release introduced a regression bug that caused some converters to fail. This bug was later resolved.


Something in the HA log visible when you try to turn on the group in HA?
Did you powercicle the lights? (Tested with 1 group for example)?

I just tested it again and then checked the logs. In fact, one group has a light bulb that turns its state on and off based on control changes in HA UI. These changes are correctly reflected in the logs, including changes to the group state. But that’s the only light bulb, one of twelve! Eleven others don’t react to UI controls but let themselves to be configured using Bind command in zigbee2mqtt so they can be controlled from the external zigbee RGB controller. No logs entries are created for other 11 light bulbs.

What Zigbee controller you are using?
I migrated from HA light groups to Zigbee light groups because of this issue.

I made Zigbee light groups with my Conbee II stick what was solving my problem…

Interesting. I was not aware of Zigbee light groups. I am using Conbee II with zigbee2mqtt. Do you have a link to some material I can read about Zigbee light groups?

An update to my original post: after updating zigbee2mqtt to the newest version (1.32.1-1) I can properly control my light groups. 1.32 release introduced a regression bug that caused some converters to fail. This bug was later resolved.