I randomly picked up an Ikea SYMFONISK sound remote gen2 because it has more buttons than the STYRBAR remote. I have successfully added it to my Home Assistant via ZHA and the integration is responding to the device: up, down, next, previous, and play.
Bedroom Ikea Audio Remote Toggle event was fired
8:50:48 PM - 1 second ago
Bedroom Ikea Audio Remote Move With On Off event was fired with parameters: {'move_mode': <MoveMode.Down: 1>, 'rate': 255}
8:50:47 PM - 2 seconds ago
Bedroom Ikea Audio Remote Move With On Off event was fired with parameters: {'move_mode': <MoveMode.Up: 0>, 'rate': 255}
8:50:46 PM - 4 seconds ago
Bedroom Ikea Audio Remote Step event was fired with parameters: {'step_mode': <StepMode.Up: 0>, 'step_size': 1, 'transition_time': 0, 'options_mask': <bitmap8.0: 0>, 'options_override': <bitmap8.0: 0>}
8:50:44 PM - 5 seconds ago
Bedroom Ikea Audio Remote Step event was fired with parameters: {'step_mode': <StepMode.Down: 1>, 'step_size': 1, 'transition_time': 0, 'options_mask': <bitmap8.0: 0>, 'options_override': <bitmap8.0: 0>}
8:50:43 PM - 6 seconds ago
However, automations are not showing up for the recorded inputs:
What needs to happen for the button action automation options to appear? Is there a “manual override” method I can use to have Home Assistant respond to button presses within automations?
Just wanted to come in and say that I have the same problem. Events show up in the Logbook for the device, but I have no clue how to “catch” them in Automations…
My guess is that this is because the button was released at IKEA in the last couple of weeks, and it wasn’t implemented (mapped) yet. However, I would love to know how to contribute to get this working.
Find out what the event data is.
This can be found when going into Developer Tools > Events > Listen to Events, and enter “zha_event” in “Listening to”. Then go ahead and press the button you want to map in your automation. The result will look something like this:
Create a new Automation, and choose “Event” as trigger. Enter “zha_event” as Event Type. Go ahead and paste everything that’s under the “data” part of the first step. In my case, it looks like this:
Ya, the “dot” and “dot dot” buttons aren’t yet supported by ZHA for some reason. I guess they are working on it (hopefully). I want to use those to toggle which device I am controlling!
Your suggestion for “manually” creating button listeners looks excellent! I will give it a go and see what I can make of them. If I find out anything noteworthy, I’ll report back here so everyone can be up to date.