Unable to create multicast server in Docker devcontainer

I’m working on a new integration, but have been unable to expose the multicast server. This seems like a somewhat common issue but doesn’t seem to have any resolution.

I have a simple test server/client in Python that creates a server, then sends out a message, expecting a response on the server that never comes. Running udpdump never sees anything on the container, but I am able to see it when running it on the Windows host, running it on the OSX host, and even running it from the HASSIO host container itself.

I have been using the GitHub - Limych/ha-blueprint: Home Assistant Component blueprint repo and the usual suspects:

  • Using --net=host
  • Setting up a macvlan
  • Verifying iptables et al were not disallowing traffic.

Anybody have any tips on how to correctly expose this?