Unable to debug


I am trying to get a new device supported in Zigbee2MQTT and am following the steps from the site. However, I can’t seem to login with SSH through port 22222, it gives me the connection refused.


I run HassIO on a Debian VM and it’s running stable for a long time now.
I can access the machine (Debian itself) via SSH on port 22
I can access the HassIO CLI via port 23 with the SSH plugin
These both work fine. however, as visible on this page: https://developers.home-assistant.io/docs/operating-system/debugging/#generating-ssh-keys that is not enough.

What I tried

So I was following the steps. I created a USB drive with an authorized_keys file on it, the name was CONFIG in caps. I linked the USB to the VM, nothing happened. I didn’t get an “import from USB”-button in the supervisor. I restarted, nothing.

Next, I logged in via SSH on port 22 in the main OS and tried the steps from there.
So with docker ps I could see a list with docker images, one of those was the add-on of zigbee2mqtt.
With the container ID from that list I tried docker exec -it <containerid> bash successfull but when I tried vi /app/node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js, nothing. I mean I can edit the file, but can’t save it as it doesn’t exist apparently.

Since I have access to HassIO I connected to that one. I checked with ls -la and saw the folder .ssh where the authorized_keys file should be placed in.
I created a file in that folder named authorized_keys and pasted my public key in there.

In the HassIO CLI I can also type the “login” command, but it requests a username and password for core-ssh login, the normal credentials don’t seem to work.

Still connection refused. Anyone an idea how I proceed so I can access and edit the files needed for Zigbee2MQTT?

So you are running Home Assistant Supervised and trying to enable the SSH for Home Assistant OS ? I don’t think that will work :frowning:

What do you mean? (Or am I missing something with the namechange a while ago and calling it wrong?)

My main OS is Debian 10. I can SSH into it on port 22 because the SSH service is running on it.
On that I run HassIO, or at least I thought so, when I look at installation type I see Home Assistant Supervised now. Pretty sure it was different (then again, I migrated a long time ago and never checked again).




Eather way, I can’t seem to find the files.

This link :

is for logging into Home Assistant OS. If you run Debian 10, you can’t use that guide.

According to this screenshot, node_modules is in the current dir, not in /app

Try vi ./node_modules/zigbee-herdsman-converters/devices.js


I am officially an idiot. I mixed those 2 and therefore missed what was in plain sight.

Thanks! Found the files.