Unable to delete media folder

Hello everyone, I have a problem with the media folder.

I saved a drive on my Nas via network storage. That worked great too. Now I had created two subfolders in the drive (sound and camera).

Now to the actual problem. I wanted to save a camera image to the Camera folder using automation. Now I had made a mistake with the upper and lower case letters in the Nas folder. As a result, I now have two folders in the HA under My Media, one the correct one and one with the wrong upper and lower case. My problem now is that I can’t even see the wrong network folder via Samba (I assume because it actually has the same name?)

So e.g. B. my actual network drive is called: FolderNas and I have now created the folderNas folder using the automation. There is also a subfolder in folderNas and probably also a file in the subfolder. Now I want to get rid of the folderNas.

How do I get rid of it now?

Try deleting it directly from your NAS? Or, mount the folder on a machine that understands case sensitivity (Linux or Mac using NFS) and delete the wrong folder. Or, you might also remote into your HA instance using SSH and do it there as well from the command line.

Of course I don’t see it in the wet because it’s just the name of the network storage

I connected to HA from my mac via Samba Share. But I only see the correct folder FolderNas in the media folder, folderNas is not displayed there either.

I’ve managed it via ssh now, thank you very much

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