Unable to discover specific entity

Hello all

I’m running V107.7 and I have Alexa integrated through Nabu Casa. Everything was working fine, I had around 30 entities exposed using YAML under cloud: in configuration.yaml. When installing my Echo Dot Gen3 for the first time all entities got discovered on the first attempt.

A few days ago I decided to try node-red-contrib-amazon-echo in Node-RED, and for that I had to disable Alexa integration in Home Assistant Cloud.

After re-enabling Alexa in Nabu Casa my entities wouldn’t get discovered anymore. A lot (A LOT) of debug hours later I found that if I exposed a given entity - a media_player - nothing would get discovered.

I don’t know if this had any influence, but on the same day I renamed several entities to follow a naming standard I had recently defined, including the mentioned media player.

I went through all configuration files in /config and subfolders trying to find what could be wrong, but found nothing.

Has anyone seen such a behavior before? I really can’t tell if it’s related to home assistant exposing the entity in a wrong way, some problem in the skill running in Alexa, or the Alexa account/service. Looks like this media_player entity is stuck somewhere. It’s a two zone Denon receiver integrated through the native Denon integration. The problem is with the first zone, the second one gets discovered ok.

Thank you for any help.