Unable to do a fresh install


I’ve run an Instance of HAOS for a while, first on a Raspi 3, then since December on a Raspberry 5 using a Development Version.
Now today I’ve finally wanted to switch to the official release for my Raspberry Pi 5, so I’ve used a spare SD-Card and used the Pi-Imager to load the latest image on it.
But after putting it in my Rapsi and wait for a while, it says “Something went wrong loading onboarding, try refreshing

Then I’ve waited some additional time, refreshed a few times, but that did not help.
Tried it a few times again to write HAOS on the SD-Card and let it install, but it’s always the same outcome. Also tried to Install an Image of HAOS via Balena Etcher, which also ended up the same :frowning:

Worst part is, that somehow also my old installation fails to run at the moment, as it says that homeassistant.local refuses the connection, which means I’m not able to control my smart home devices :confused:

Has anyone some hint what I can do at this point to get at least a fresh install to run?

put a monitor and keyboard on the raspi.
This will give you access tot he logs and see what is going on.

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