Unable to edit function node

Hello. I’m using version 13.3.2 of the Node-Red integration.

And the following HA version:
Home Assistant 2022.8.6 Supervisor 2022.08.3 Operating System 8.4 Frontend 20220802.0 - latest

When I try to edit the Javascript of a function node, I am unable to type or edit any text.

I can edit the name of the node. Everything else in HA works fine. No keyboard problems. Only the javascript editor doesn’t work.

I have not had this problem before. Although, it has been a while since I have edited a function node. Several Node-Red revs ago.

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To anyone who is unable to edit anything in a Node-RED function node…

In the recent move from NR 2.x to 3.x the base editor was changed from ‘ace’ to ‘monaco’. This new editor is very fussy with old un-updated nodes, and as a result changes to ‘read only’ mode if there are any very un-updated nodes hanging around.

If you want to edit anything, then you need to go through your Node-RED pallet and update any old nodes.

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Thank you. As per the comments in the link you provided, I used the Palette manager to make sure all nodes were updated to the most recent version. Then I restarted Node-Red. This solved my problem.

The two out-of-date nodes were deconz and tasmota.

You are most welcome.

This seems to be a well known recent/current issue. I didn’t have the problem myself, but by searching found an answer for others (more than once…). It would be great if this community site had an FAQ list / hot issue notice board - then I/someone could post a message as I suspect this question will crop up again and again for months to come!

Keep your Node-RED nodes updated using the ‘palette’ manager. Then restart Node-RED.

?? will someone mark this as a solution please ??


OMG! Found this purely by chance rooting through the forums! Thank you @Biscuit !! :pray: :clap: