Unable to execute HA scripts from Google Assistant?

I can control lights with Google Assistant commands via Home Assistant just fine. But I’m not able to execute scripts. When I say “turn on very_nice_script” for example, it will just tell me google search results. This is my config for google_assistant:

  project_id: MY_PROJECT_ID
  service_account: !include MY_SERVICE_ACCOUNT.json
  report_state: true
  expose_by_default: true
    - switch
    - light
    - group
    - scene
    - script
    - media_player

Any suggestions?

Try resyncing google assistant with HA especially if you recently changed anything in HA. Since you said the lights were working it’s likely google assistant just doesn’t know about the scripts yet.

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Yeah you’re right. I’m an idiot. Syncing fixed it, thanks! Didn’t realize you have to sync every time you make a change.

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Only if you want it to work. :wink: :grinning: