I get that there’s probably an automation or something that’s referencing a hue group that I had originally imported (I turned that off as it was filling my gui with groups) but I can’t figure out what the cause is. Is there any way to narrow things down so I can see what’s trying to reference the entity so I can fix it?
The entity is correct, it’s accessible and it’s working outside of node-red.
node-red can see the entity as the type ahead for the entity field shows it.
But I’m getting this error in the logs, whenever node-red attempts to turn on or off the switch.
I had similar issues a while back and it took me a while to figure out. It turned out to be something in either an automation or a script (pretty sure it was a script), where I had “light.turn_off” as the service and had also included a switch entity in the list. This used to be allowed a while back, but was disallowed in one of the updates.
Try doing a global search for the entity (I use VSCode) and make sure its included alongside it’s respective service.
I have the same problem but it is for a custom service I’m trying to setup in HA.
service is registered correctly and is available in dev tool.
Custom_component is registered to the new service [custom_components.sinope.climate] Registered to service set_outside_temperature
But when I try it in dev tool I get the following error [homeassistant.helpers.service] Unable to find referenced entities climate.sinope_climate_bureau
That entity_id exist. I picked it in the drop down entity list in the dev tool
I recently encountered this issue and found the cause. Adding in case there’s a chance that it’ll help someone else, since it doesn’t look like anyone else ran into my particular scenario.
I was having the same problem with entities for known z-wave controlled outlets that control some plug-in lights in my kitchen. I also have some hue bulbs, and I had everything in a group, with automations to turn the lights on or off if motion is detected or not. Since I had switches and lights in the same group, I had to call both the switch.turn_on and light.turn_on services from the automation. This seems to be what was causing warnings about not being able to find referenced entities.
I had already set up light entities in my config to control the switched outlets using the Light Switch integration, so I was able to resolve by just replacing the switch entities in my group with their corresponding light entities and then removing the calls to switch.turn_on and switch.turn_off services from my automations.
I am having the same issue with 2 lights.
One of them I know is off, the other is not.
I am turning off and on and is working for some hours…or maybe couple of days.
And after that it becomes inactive again.
I did find one of the referenced entitles in my groups.yaml file… I guess what I’m saying is, if the entities could be referenced just about anywhere in HA, finding them with a text search as suggested above could be a slog unless someone knows of a better way than what I’m doing (opening text files individually and looking around).
EDIT: found another in a Node-RED flow. I guess they’re just sprinkled around everywhere: old entities either retired or renamed.
Echoing some comments from above, I was also experiencing
Logger: homeassistant.helpers.service
Source: helpers/service.py:130
First occurred: March 3, 2022, 1:06:51 PM (4 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:38:55 AM
Unable to find referenced entities media_player.lenovosmartdisplay9594
I checked ALL the config files, nothing.
It turned out to be in a NodeRED flow (I know this has been posted above, just echoing)