Unable to find Roku via discovery or Roku component - advice?

So I haven’t been able to figure out why my Roku Streaming Stick+ is undetected by Home Assistant, whether using the Discovery component or by manually entering Roku component and IP address in the configuration.yaml. I’ve run the roku.roku_scan service which came up with nothing. The Streaming Stick+ used to be detected in older Home Assistant versions (don’t remember which). However, I have another similar HA instance like this, but with a Roku Premiere device and Home Assistant is detecting that Roku properly, so the Roku component is working, but not in certain instances.

Has anyone else encountered this issue before? I have a Google Wifi mesh home network with UPNP enabled. The Roku and Home Assistant are both connected on the 2.4ghz network. I don’t see anything in the error logs and I’ve configured the logger to record any Info events on the Roku component.

My Home Assistant instance details:
Home Assistant 0.98.2
Raspberry Pi 3B+
Hassio, HassOS 2.12

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I’ve got the same issue. Were you able to figure it out?

One of the recent updates for the Google Wifi seemed to have broke the SSDP discovery. If you try outside of HA it doesn’t seem to get discovered. There is a post here about it:


I gave up trying to figure out what to do and just reserved the IP and disabled discovery for it and just manually added it. I am hoping they will add the support back in.

    - roku

  - host:

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That is a great observation! I didn’t think that Google Wifi could be the culprit. Unfortunately I’m still unable to detect the Roku even after setting the Discovery component to ignore Roku. I previously set up a static IP address and manually added the Roku media player component with said address but it’s not being detected still. I’ll continue playing around with the network and Roku to see if anything changes.

It is likely a router issue since I’ve separately tested a TCL TV (with Roku) and a Roku Premiere and they are easily discovered in HA.

Thanks for the help. I wasn’t expecting an answer after weeks of silence. For additional details, what HA version are you running and what Roku product do you use?

I am currently on 0.99.2. I can’t remember which HA version it was when it stopped working for me but it was definitely in the middle of August and very shortly after the Google update (my version is 11895.108.11) and after I had done an HA restart.

I do remember that at the same time there was a version conflict with the pip roku package and some other pip package that HA required but I can’t remember what it was but it was something to do with libxslt1. I was checking my history and I did install libxslt on the same day and I believe it was to resolve an issue with the roku:

sudo apt-get install libxslt1.1

To do some more troubleshooting I followed the instructions on the github repo for python-roku: https://github.com/jcarbaugh/python-roku (in case it matters my pip roku version is 3.1).

For reference my HA is on a rasberry pi running buster and I have the pip installed version of HA. I am not exactly sure which Roku I have…got it last year and it was just called Roku Streaming Stick (has the buttons for Netflix, Hulu, Sling, and DirectvNow).

I spent the weekend migrating Hassio from an rPi3 to a laptop and making a test instance, so I decided to test out the Roku component again. You are definitely correct in that Google Wifi is not autodiscovering any Roku players, so I had to manually add it like you said.

The mistake I made earlier (even though I disabled autodiscovery) was that I was trying to create a media_player component like this:

- platform: roku

Instead of the proper way like this:


Whoops. Now it works and I’m happy.

I have tried everything to get my Rokus back but nothing works. If you use the configuration from the HA site I get a message that it was not configured right. I tried the media_player platform part too no joy. If I use the below code I get the notification it was setup wrong.


Not exactly sure if it matters but @gdreelin it looks like you are missing a space between host: and the ip…also the documentation does show it as a list so you may need to add the - as well. Make sure you have the ignore if you are going to add the devices manually.

    - roku

  - host:

Yeah I saw that but still didn’t work. Just the component seems to be flakey.