Unable to fulfill installation of ESPHome, connection to WiFi disconnects, .yaml ignored

I’m trying to install an ESP32-Wroom-32. I struggled to do fault analysis as I can’t decide what’s ok and what’s failing. Please guide me to relevant docs or something to bring me forward :slightly_smiling_face:
As it is now I have:

  • Raspberry pi 3B+ with HASS
  • Core2024.1.3
  • Supervisor2023.12.0
  • Operating System11.4
  • Frontend20240104.0
    Based on the initial documentation it should be something like “just a couple of clicks and there you are”. Definitely not for me… I’ve searched the community for similar problems but it appears to have a myriad of similar/other problems?
    WiFi is “3Com” / 2.45GHz - The 5GHz is 3Com_5G

Closing this post: I’ve raised another topic, which I believed was different but it was closely related. Follow that for better information. The real problem here is my mixup of methods for preparing and implementing the ESPHome.

Why it failed to connect to WiFi: I had similar experience long ago with the use of ESP32 for other applications, which I was reminded of in various other posts. My router was set to use channel 3 as this was the least crowded in my neighbourhood, but channel 1 to 3 is difficult for the ESP32. Channel 5 and 7 seems to work better for me, even if other networks have more signal here. Have a look:

And, some has experienced that the autosetting of router BW should rather be forced to 20MHz.

So that’s it, have a look at the other post :slight_smile:

**Further on, this was the original post: **
I’ve tried the “automatic” approach showed here:

but it failed. I found that a Rpi 3B+ cannot be loaded by this approach as it fails in the compiling of the files. So I went to the manual approach:

  • Loaded the ESP with FW 2023.12.5 from Python recompile, via USB serial from PC
  • Added ESP integration to Home Assistant
  • Initiated the basic YAML configuration, and added a simple LED “Desk Lamp” output for test.

What I observe is:

  • ESP32 hardly connects to WiFi, Seems it wakes up for a short moment, connects and disconnects. DHCP in my router (RT-AC66U) is set to for the ESP and for the Raspberry
  • Even when the ESP is declared as Connected, it does not appear in the list of devices on my router
  • I can’t find the LED “Desk Lamp” in HASS as an entity or unit. The only option for Entity is “ESPHome Web 60a7dc Firmware”. This might ofcourse be due to the lack of proper WiFiconnection

I hope the logs can bring more info for the experienced users?


Here’s the YAML in Raspberry’s \\config\esphome\esphome-web-60a7dc.yaml

  name: esphome-web-60a7dc
  friendly_name: ESPHome Web 60a7dc

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "hhDJUSttNQ6Oh1vqRoLOctrVymfWfhSW5KGTYyo3x4E="


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esphome-Web-60A7Dc"
    password: "e5UYMDqo8WYK"

###############  https://esphome.io/components/light/binary  ##################
# Added 14/1 12:20, copied from the above referenced:
# Example configuration entry
  - platform: binary
    name: "Desk Lamp"
    output: light_output

  - id: light_output
    platform: gpio
    pin: GPIO16

############END OF  https://esphome.io/components/light/binary  ##################

ESP is here powered from a separate USB powere, not the PC.
Try to read log via WiFi:

INFO ESPHome 2023.12.5
INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esphome-web-60a7dc.yaml...
INFO Starting log output from esphome-web-60a7dc.local using esphome API
WARNING Can't connect to ESPHome API for esphome-web-60a7dc.local: Error resolving IP address: [Errno -5] No address associated with hostname (APIConnectionError)
INFO Trying to connect to esphome-web-60a7dc.local in the background
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-web-60a7dc @ in 0.925s
WARNING esphome-web-60a7dc @ Connection error occurred: esphome-web-60a7dc @ The connection dropped immediately after encrypted hello; Try enabling encryption on the device or turning off encryption on the client (ESPHome Logs 2023.12.5).
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-web-60a7dc @ in 0.945s
WARNING esphome-web-60a7dc @ Connection error occurred: esphome-web-60a7dc @ The connection dropped immediately after encrypted hello; Try enabling encryption on the device or turning off encryption on the client (ESPHome Logs 2023.12.5).
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-web-60a7dc @ in 0.918s
WARNING esphome-web-60a7dc @ Connection error occurred: esphome-web-60a7dc @ The connection dropped immediately after encrypted hello; Try enabling encryption on the device or turning off encryption on the client (ESPHome Logs 2023.12.5).
INFO Successfully connected to esphome-web-60a7dc @ in 3.901s
WARNING esphome-web-60a7dc @ Connection error occurred: esphome-web-60a7dc @ The connection dropped immediately after encrypted hello; Try enabling encryption on the device or turning off encryption on the client (ESPHome Logs 2023.12.5).

After many retries (not listed here) the ESP finally manages to connect. rssi is -62dBm which is very well. Channel is 3.

09:08:07.514 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:455]: Starting scan...e[0m
09:08:10.906 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:470]: Found networks:e[0m
09:08:10.906 -> e[0;32m[I][wifi:514]: - '3Com' e[5m(D8:50:E6:CD:72:B8) e[6me[0;33m???e[0;37m?e[0me[0m
09:08:10.906 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:515]:     Channel: 3e[0m
09:08:10.906 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:516]:     RSSI: -63 dBe[0m
09:08:10.906 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'Smarting'e[6m e[5m(D8:50:E6:CD:72:B9) e[6me[0;33m???e[0;37m?e[0me[0m
09:08:10.939 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'vollan'e[6m e[5m(62:31:97:62:34:00) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:10.939 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGarden'e[6m e[5m(88:3D:24:A3:DD:A9) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:10.939 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGardens gjester'e[6m e[5m(8A:3D:24:A3:DD:A8) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:10.971 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGardens gjester'e[6m e[5m(8A:3D:24:A3:DE:58) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:10.971 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGarden'e[6m e[5m(88:3D:24:A3:DE:59) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:10.971 -> e[0;32m[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to '3Com'...e[0m
09:08:10.971 -> e[0;33m[W][wifi:582]: Incomplete connection.e[0m
09:08:10.971 -> e[0;33m[W][wifi_esp32:458]: Event: Disconnected ssid='3Com' bssid=e[5mD8:50:E6:CD:72:B8e[6m reason='Association Leave'e[0m
09:08:11.013 -> e[0;33m[W][wifi_esp32:458]: Event: Disconnected ssid='3Com' bssid=e[5mD8:50:E6:CD:72:B8e[6m reason='Authentication Failed'e[0m
09:08:11.013 -> e[0;33m[W][wifi:634]: Connecting to WiFi network failed. Are the credentials wrong?e[0m
09:08:16.040 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:455]: Starting scan...e[0m
09:08:19.822 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:470]: Found networks:e[0m
09:08:19.822 -> e[0;32m[I][wifi:514]: - '3Com' e[5m(D8:50:E6:CD:72:B8) e[6me[0;33m???e[0;37m?e[0me[0m
09:08:19.822 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:515]:     Channel: 3e[0m
09:08:19.822 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:516]:     RSSI: -62 dBe[0m
09:08:19.822 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'Smarting'e[6m e[5m(D8:50:E6:CD:72:B9) e[6me[0;33m???e[0;37m?e[0me[0m
09:08:19.822 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'vollan'e[6m e[5m(62:31:97:62:34:00) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:19.861 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGarden'e[6m e[5m(88:3D:24:A3:DD:A9) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:19.861 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGardens gjester'e[6m e[5m(8A:3D:24:A3:DD:A8) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:19.861 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGardens gjester'e[6m e[5m(8A:3D:24:A3:DE:58) e[6me[0;33m??e[0;37m??e[0me[0m
09:08:19.862 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:519]: - e[5m'GreenGarden'e[6m e[5m(88:3D:24:A3:DE:59) e[6me[0;31m?e[0;37m???e[0me[0m
09:08:19.862 -> e[0;32m[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to '3Com'...e[0m
09:08:19.862 -> e[0;33m[W][wifi:582]: Incomplete connection.e[0m
09:08:19.862 -> e[0;32m[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to '3Com'...e[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;32m[I][wifi:587]: WiFi Connected!e[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:405]:   Local MAC: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DCe[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:410]:   SSID: e[5m'3Com'e[6me[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:411]:   IP Address:[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:413]:   BSSID: e[5mD8:50:E6:CD:72:B8e[6me[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:414]:   Hostname: 'esphome-web-60a7dc'e[0m
09:08:20.641 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:416]:   Signal strength: -63 dB e[0;33m???e[0;37m?e[0me[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:420]:   Channel: 3e[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:421]:   Subnet:[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:422]:   Gateway:[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:423]:   DNS1:[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:424]:   DNS2:[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;36m[D][wifi:596]: Disabling AP...e[0m
09:08:20.681 -> e[0;35m[C][web_server:123]: Setting up web server...e[0m
09:08:20.710 -> e[0;35m[C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:e[0m
09:08:20.710 -> e[0;35m[C][ota:098]:   Address: esphome-web.local:3232e[0m
09:08:20.710 -> e[0;35m[C][api:025]: Setting up Home Assistant API server...e[0m
09:08:20.710 -> e[0;32m[I][app:062]: setup() finished successfully!e[0m
09:08:20.772 -> e[0;32m[I][ota:117]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.e[0m
09:08:20.772 -> e[0;36m[D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...e[0m
09:08:20.772 -> e[0;36m[D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failede[0m
09:08:20.772 -> e[0;32m[I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.12.5 compiled on Jan 10 2024, 02:16:11e[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;32m[I][app:104]: Project esphome.web version 1.0e[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:573]: WiFi:e[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:405]:   Local MAC: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DCe[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:410]:   SSID: e[5m'3Com'e[6me[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:411]:   IP Address:[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:413]:   BSSID: e[5mD8:50:E6:CD:72:B8e[6me[0m
09:08:20.787 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:414]:   Hostname: 'esphome-web-60a7dc'e[0m
09:08:20.812 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:416]:   Signal strength: -62 dB e[0;33m???e[0;37m?e[0me[0m
09:08:20.812 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:420]:   Channel: 3e[0m
09:08:20.812 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:421]:   Subnet:[0m
09:08:20.812 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:422]:   Gateway:[0m
09:08:20.812 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:423]:   DNS1:[0m
09:08:20.812 -> e[0;35m[C][wifi:424]:   DNS2:[0m
09:08:20.856 -> e[0;35m[C][logger:443]: Logger:e[0m
09:08:20.856 -> e[0;35m[C][logger:444]:   Level: DEBUGe[0m
09:08:20.856 -> e[0;35m[C][logger:445]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200e[0m
09:08:20.856 -> e[0;35m[C][logger:447]:   Hardware UART: UART0e[0m
09:08:20.887 -> e[0;35m[C][esp32_ble:374]: ESP32 BLE:e[0m
09:08:20.887 -> e[0;35m[C][esp32_ble:376]:   MAC address: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DEe[0m
09:08:20.887 -> e[0;35m[C][esp32_ble:377]:   IO Capability: nonee[0m
09:08:20.887 -> e[0;35m[C][esp32_ble_server:200]: ESP32 BLE Server:e[0m
09:08:20.920 -> e[0;35m[C][esp32_improv.component:257]: ESP32 Improv:e[0m
09:08:20.951 -> e[0;35m[C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:e[0m
09:08:20.951 -> e[0;35m[C][web_server:168]: Web Server:e[0m
09:08:20.996 -> e[0;35m[C][web_server:169]:   Address: esphome-web.local:80e[0m
09:08:20.996 -> e[0;35m[C][mdns:115]: mDNS:e[0m
09:08:20.996 -> e[0;35m[C][mdns:116]:   Hostname: esphome-web-60a7dce[0m
09:08:21.034 -> e[0;35m[C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:e[0m
09:08:21.034 -> e[0;35m[C][ota:098]:   Address: esphome-web.local:3232e[0m
09:08:21.034 -> e[0;35m[C][api:139]: API Server:e[0m
09:08:21.034 -> e[0;35m[C][api:140]:   Address: esphome-web.local:6053e[0m
09:08:21.034 -> e[0;35m[C][api:144]:   Using noise encryption: NOe[0m
09:08:21.075 -> e[0;35m[C][improv_serial:032]: Improv Serial:e[0m
09:08:22.683 -> e[0;36m[D][api:102]: Accepted[0m
09:08:22.730 -> e[0;36m[D][api.connection:1121]: Home Assistant 2024.1.3 ( Connected successfullye[0m4

Here’s the log from USB serial port at startup

ets Jul 29 2019 12:21:46

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4
[I][logger:355]: Log initialized
[C][ota:473]: There have been 0 suspected unsuccessful boot attempts.
[D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[I][app:029]: Running through setup()...
[C][esp32_ble:027]: Setting up BLE...
[C][wifi:038]: Setting up WiFi...
[C][wifi:051]: Starting WiFi...
[C][wifi:052]:   Local MAC: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DC
[D][wifi:061]: Loaded saved wifi settings: 3Com
[D][wifi:455]: Starting scan...
[D][esp32_ble:270]: Enabling BLE...
[D][esp32_ble_server:077]: BLE server setup successfully
[D][esp32_improv.component:077]: Creating Improv service
[D][wifi:470]: Found networks:
[I][wifi:514]: - '3Com' (D8:50:E6:CD:72:B8) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:515]:     Channel: 3
[D][wifi:516]:     RSSI: -60 dB
[D][wifi:519]: - 'Smarting'[redacted] (D8:50:E6:CD:72:B9) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - 'vollan'[redacted] (62:31:97:62:34:00) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - 'GreenGarden'[redacted] (88:3D:24:A3:DE:59) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - 'GreenGarden'[redacted] (88:3D:24:A3:DD:A9) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - 'GreenGardens gjester'[redacted] (8A:3D:24:A3:DD:A8) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - 'GreenGardens gjester'[redacted] (8A:3D:24:A3:DE:58) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - 'overrein_2GEXT'[redacted] (94:A6:7E:2C:80:21) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[D][wifi:519]: - '24'[redacted] (88:AC:C0:1E:04:5B) [redacted]▂▄▆█
[I][wifi:300]: WiFi Connecting to '3Com'...
[I][wifi:587]: WiFi Connected!
[C][wifi:405]:   Local MAC: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DC
[C][wifi:410]:   SSID: '3Com'[redacted]
[C][wifi:411]:   IP Address:
[C][wifi:413]:   BSSID: D8:50:E6:CD:72:B8[redacted]
[C][wifi:414]:   Hostname: 'esphome-web-60a7dc'
[C][wifi:416]:   Signal strength: -60 dB ▂▄▆█
[C][wifi:420]:   Channel: 3
[C][wifi:421]:   Subnet:
[C][wifi:422]:   Gateway:
[C][wifi:423]:   DNS1:
[C][wifi:424]:   DNS2:
[D][wifi:596]: Disabling AP...
[C][web_server:123]: Setting up web server...
[C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[C][ota:098]:   Address: esphome-web.local:3232
[C][api:025]: Setting up Home Assistant API server...
[I][app:062]: setup() finished successfully!
[I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.12.5 compiled on Jan 10 2024, 02:16:11
[I][app:104]: Project esphome.web version 1.0
[C][wifi:573]: WiFi:
[C][wifi:405]:   Local MAC: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DC
[C][wifi:410]:   SSID: '3Com'[redacted]
[C][wifi:411]:   IP Address:
[C][wifi:413]:   BSSID: D8:50:E6:CD:72:B8[redacted]
[C][wifi:414]:   Hostname: 'esphome-web-60a7dc'
[C][wifi:416]:   Signal strength: -60 dB ▂▄▆█
[C][wifi:420]:   Channel: 3
[C][wifi:421]:   Subnet:
[C][wifi:422]:   Gateway:
[C][wifi:423]:   DNS1:
[C][wifi:424]:   DNS2:
[C][logger:443]: Logger:
[C][logger:444]:   Level: DEBUG
[C][logger:445]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[C][logger:447]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[C][esp32_ble:374]: ESP32 BLE:
[C][esp32_ble:376]:   MAC address: E0:5A:1B:60:A7:DE
[C][esp32_ble:377]:   IO Capability: none
[C][esp32_ble_server:200]: ESP32 BLE Server:
[C][esp32_improv.component:257]: ESP32 Improv:
[C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[C][web_server:168]: Web Server:
[C][web_server:169]:   Address: esphome-web.local:80
[C][mdns:115]: mDNS:
[C][mdns:116]:   Hostname: esphome-web-60a7dc
[C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[C][ota:098]:   Address: esphome-web.local:3232
[C][api:139]: API Server:
[C][api:140]:   Address: esphome-web.local:6053
[C][api:144]:   Using noise encryption: NO
[C][improv_serial:032]: Improv Serial:
[D][api:102]: Accepted
[D][api.connection:1121]: Home Assistant 2024.1.3 ( Connected successfully

  "home_assistant": {
    "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS",
    "version": "2024.1.3",
    "dev": false,
    "hassio": true,
    "virtualenv": false,
    "python_version": "3.11.6",
    "docker": true,
    "arch": "aarch64",
    "timezone": "Europe/Oslo",
    "os_name": "Linux",
    "os_version": "6.1.63-haos-raspi",
    "supervisor": "2023.12.0",
    "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 11.4",
    "docker_version": "24.0.7",
    "chassis": "embedded",
    "run_as_root": true
  "custom_components": {
    "tapo_control": {
      "version": "5.4.11",
      "requirements": [
    "hacs": {
      "version": "1.33.0",
      "requirements": [
  "integration_manifest": {
    "domain": "esphome",
    "name": "ESPHome",
    "after_dependencies": [
    "codeowners": [
    "config_flow": true,
    "dependencies": [
    "dhcp": [
        "registered_devices": true
    "documentation": "https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/esphome",
    "integration_type": "device",
    "iot_class": "local_push",
    "loggers": [
    "requirements": [
    "zeroconf": [
    "is_built_in": true
  "data": {
    "config": {
      "entry_id": "d05dacf73bcf4bbc594c2846febbda55",
      "version": 1,
      "minor_version": 1,
      "domain": "esphome",
      "title": "ESPHome Web 60a7dc",
      "data": {
        "host": "",
        "port": 6053,
        "password": "",
        "noise_psk": "",
        "device_name": "esphome-web-60a7dc"
      "options": {
        "allow_service_calls": false
      "pref_disable_new_entities": false,
      "pref_disable_polling": false,
      "source": "zeroconf",
      "unique_id": "e0:5a:1b:60:a7:dc",
      "disabled_by": null
    "storage_data": {
      "device_info": {
        "uses_password": false,
        "name": "esphome-web-60a7dc",
        "friendly_name": "ESPHome Web 60a7dc",
        "mac_address": "**REDACTED**",
        "compilation_time": "Jan 10 2024, 02:16:11",
        "model": "esp32dev",
        "manufacturer": "Espressif",
        "has_deep_sleep": false,
        "esphome_version": "2023.12.5",
        "project_name": "esphome.web",
        "project_version": "1.0",
        "webserver_port": 80,
        "voice_assistant_version": 0,
        "legacy_bluetooth_proxy_version": 0,
        "bluetooth_proxy_feature_flags": 0,
        "suggested_area": ""
      "services": [],
      "api_version": {
        "major": 1,
        "minor": 9
    "dashboard": "5c53de3b_esphome"

Hi. I don’t have a solution, but perhaps a similar problem, so I’d like to find out any answers.
I installed the Bluetooth proxy node on an ESP32 and it appears to setup OK; and is added into HA. However, there are no BLE devices discovered.
When I use the ESPHome interface to check the logs (via wireless), I get the same kind of error messages:

The connection dropped immediately after encrypted hello; Try enabling encryption on the device or turning off encryption on the client (ESPHome Logs

I can’t find any other examples of this or solutions to it.
I’d appreciate any help on this too.

I think your problem is different. (but I’m far from expert!). I found that I’ve mixed methods of how to prepare and enable ESPHome, both by manual programming and by the HASS add-on. The result is a Yaml file in the HASS envirnoment and another locally on my PC, and something like twins of ESPinstances for my ESP32. I raised a new one here about another problem which was in fact a close relation: