Unable to get microphone working with Reolink doorbell

I have seen a similar thread but unfortunately that thread got into a different discussion on proxy. Neither the setting mention in that is working.

Below is my setup.
I have all my cameras integrated with HA through reolink and I am happy with the integration showing fluent images in the dash and I record through frigate which is independent of HA.

The current set up is that for doorbell, I have a go2rtc integration in the HA where i stream the rtsp from the camera with the below setup.

- rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_sub

- stun:8555

My card is
type: custom:webrtc-camera

poster: camera.rtc_doorbell

  • url: camera.rtc_doorbell
  • url: camera.rtc_doorbell
  • mode: webrtc
  • media: video, audio, microphone

I have also tried running go2rtc from frigate and then have it stream to HA and that doesn’t work either.

In both the instances, I am able to listen the other side but microphone doesnt get even enabled.