Unable to get rfxtrx button automation to work

Hi! I’m struggling to get my first automation working
From the examples I understand the automation should be triggered by a button_pressed event. So I have an automation created using the automiation editor that ends up in yaml like:

- id: '1542973354517'
  alias: Test keuken licht aan
  - event_data:
      entity_id: switch.kaku_keuken
    event_type: button_pressed
    platform: event
  condition: []
  - data:
      entity_id: scene.keuken_aan
    service: scene.turn_on

However, when I press the rfxtrx button, from the log it looks like the button_pressed event isn’t fired:

2018-11-23 14:28:19 DEBUG (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Receive RFXCOM event from (Device_id: b1 Class: LightingDevice Sub: 1, Pkt_id: 0710010142010160)
2018-11-23 14:28:19 DEBUG (Thread-3) [homeassistant.components.rfxtrx] Device_id: b1 device_update. Command: On
2018-11-23 14:28:19 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Bus:Handling <Event state_changed[L]: entity_id=switch.kaku_keuken, old_state=<state switch.kaku_keuken=off; friendly_name=kaku keuken, assumed_state=True @ 2018-11-23T15:26:17.360913+01:00>, new_state=<state switch.kaku_keuken=on; friendly_name=kaku keuken, assumed_state=True @ 2018-11-23T15:28:19.511370+01:00>>

I think this is why my automation isn’t activated. What am I missing?

Found it! The button_pressed event is only fired if the property fire_event: True is set for the switch.