Unable to get to DuckDNS site after changing internet provider

I just changed over from Comcast to Fiber internet. In doing so, I can no longer get to my https://xxx.duckdns.org site. I am able to get to it via localip:8123 still, just not through duckdns. I have forwarded port 443>8123 on new IP and everything appears to be setup how I had it before the internet change. I’m also not getting any errors on my DuckDNS config.

Any ideas?

Log into Duckdns and see if it updated to your current IP.

If it didn’t you can manually update it until you get it sorted out.

Also make sure your new ISP is not using CGNAT.

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This is the issue. New ISP is using carrier NAT so I will have to pay for a static IP.