I had no problems getting to HA from the WAN side. Until now.
I changed ISP provider. Before my modem was connected to a router. The router did all the work. It was (still is) configured to do port forwarding etc.
The new provider does not just provide a modem, It is a modem/router. And my old router is plugged in into the LAN side of this.
So I gave my old router a static WAN ip in the LAN range of the new one (
In my old situation and old router I forwarded wan port 9232 to lan port 81232 of my PI running HA. So I was able to get to it from the internet going to port 9232.
But in my new situation there is another router between the old router and the internet. So on the new one I forwarded wan 9232 to lan 9232 at IP
So my feeling was the we go WAN 9232 => LAN 9232 on IP (which is WAN ip for old router) => LAN 81232 on RAspberry Pi.
So now from the internet I browse to my HA install using port 9232.
The browser actually does start with part of the HA interface. But stops righ there:
Looking at the network in the browser I see these calls:
And I also see that the difference might be that the calls to the Roboto-Regular.woff2 are resulting in a 206. While if I do this locally in my LAN, these are resulting in a 200. What is happening?