I’m really struggeling to get my esphome to receive something over UART.
I bought a IR-Read-Head to connect to my smart meter (hardware:controllers:ir-schreib-lesekopf-ttl-ausgang [wiki.volkszaehler.org]).
It’s wired correctly to the RX-Pin of my Wemos D1 Mini, but I’m unable to see at least a byte being received via uart.
What did I try?
- The smart meter sends IR data (verified with phone camera)
- With my multimeter I could see the voltage on the RX Pin drop from 3.3V slightly every second (the sending interval of the smart meter)
- I double checked the communication settings (9600 Baud, 7E1) with the specification of the smart meter
- I tried all combinations of INPUT_PULLUP, INPUT, inverted for the pin
- I activated software uart - was hoping to see more debug output. But it doesn’t show any.
- Instead of the UART platform, i tried the remote_receiver, which logged me tons of received signals, so something seems to be received via infrared - just not ending in UART.
This is my config right now:
name: "stromzaehler"
board: esp01_1m
id: uart_bus
baud_rate: 9600
number: GPIO03
data_bits: 7
parity: EVEN
stop_bits: 1
timeout: 100ms
I have no idea how to debug this further… is there a way to get more debug-information about what’s going on inside the uart (maybe checksum mismatch, wrong baudrate, whatever)…
Anyone an idea how to debug this further?
Thanks, David