Unable to install all requirements: home-assistant-frontend==20190717.1 - Solved

I’ve tried to upgrade from 95.4 to 96.x and it brakes. I get this error when testing the config script. I’m using the python virtual env. I think it may have something to do with it. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

If you’re running it on Raspberry Pi, this is likely a problem with PiWheels.org that they’ve been experiencing recently.

There’s already a bug open here:


You can try some of the solutions.


Thank you for the link! I was able to get this installed by following the suggestion of manually downloading the package I needed here; https://www.piwheels.org/simple/home-assistant-frontend/

then manually installed the front end;

python3 -m pip install ./home_assistant_frontend-xxxxxxxxxxx.x-py3-none-any.whl

then reboot

Please mark it as solved, so if someone else comes with the same problem can see the solution! :slight_smile: