Unable to install green HA

First time user. Purchased the Green HA. Plugged it into modem/router and tried connecting using the link on web and via app, but unable to connect and get off the ground. I’m a n00b, so please be nice :slightly_smiling_face:

Receiving below error code via IOS app

The request timed out.

Error Code:
NSURLErrorDomain -1001

Can you connect to your router and confirm the Green has been assigned an IP address?

Alternatively plug a monitor into the Green and show what is reported on the screen.

Thanks Tom. Sorry, dumb question - how do I connect to router and check the Green IP Address?

I have google home wifi with mesh system. I checked the app’s UI and cannot locate the HA device on my network.

Hi, welcome to the forum!

Did you use http://homeassistant.local:8123 ?
If that doesn’t work, you could try with the IP address of the device, being http://‘IP address’:8123
It’s not easy to tell you how to find that because this is different for every situation (network setup)
Search for for the info on your router/modem how to access it and find connected devices and their IP address.

I assume you connected the Green with a network cable so you will not find it as a wireless device on your access point/WiFi network.
Another thing you can do is to use a network scanner, for example ‘Angry IP scanner’ to see the IP addresses being used/hand out and by elimination find what your Green is using.