Unable to install HADashboard V2 Beta


I have a a new fresh install of HAS on a Ubuntu 16.04 VM.

I want to install HADashboard also on this VM but running into a few issues

I followed This Guide, but the step to clone the repo is failing

has@homeassistant:~/appdaemon_dashboard$ git clone -b hadashboard_beta https://github.com/home-
Cloning into 'appdaemon'...
fatal: Remote branch hadashboard_beta not found in upstream origin

Is tthere a

  1. Step by step that works when installing?
  2. Guide on auto starting the dash board
  3. Will upgrading from the BETA be simple. or a full reinstall?


the beta isnt there anymore because the dashboard has been released,

You can now use PIP3 to install and upgrade.