Has anyone been able to get nodered/node-red-docker to install? It times out for me when I run docker-compose up -d node-red. I always get the following error no matter what the timeout is set to.
ERROR: An HTTP request took too long to complete. Retry with --verbose to obtain debug information.
Here is my bare-bones docker-compose.yaml for it. I am able to get machinedata/node-red to install, but it does not come with git so I am unable to install the node-red-contrib-home-assistant palette. So I am trying to go back to the official docker image. I have even tried adding a 5 minute timeout to the docker-compose command line and it still times out. I have also tired both with and without latest-v8 and no luck with that either. I have even tried several times over the past week, so it isn’t a temporary server outage either.
## Updated image tag per @cameron recommendation, still no luck.
image: nodered/node-red-docker:v8
#image: nodered/node-red-docker:latest-v8
#image: machinedata/node-red
container_name: node-red
- 1880:1880
restart: on-failure
- /opt/node-red:/data
- /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro
- /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro
Oops. I think I was using the wrong command. My bad. I should have been using sudo ./dockerupdate.sh node-red instead of sudo ./dockerstart.sh node-red. I don’t have time to troubleshoot it now, but I will look into this later.
cd /opt
docker-compose down $1
docker-compose pull $1
COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=300 docker-compose up -d $1
cd /opt
COMPOSE_HTTP_TIMEOUT=300 docker-compose up -d $1
OK. I think I have this resolved. Node-red is running and I was able to get node-red-contrib-home-assistant installed. I just had to install it in my node-red config directory, outside of the docker container. Thanks for trying to help!
cd /opt/node-red
npm install node-red-contrib-home-assistant
I also had a similar issue. The suggested resolution on the nodered website was to install nodered/node-red-docker:latest-v8, however that is an invalid image.
After searching around on their github issues I learned that the image was changed to: