I’m trying to write my own integration but have run into an issue with the manifest. Whenever i try to load the integration, i get Unable to install package and these package versions have conflicting dependencies. ERROR: ResolutionImpossible with no further messages. Any idea why?
update after solution: for anyone stumbling upon this later, the way i found the nested deps is through pip install pipdeptree and then pipdeptree -p <locally installed package> and it should output the nested dependency list
The package you are trying to install has its own dependancies which conflict with the versions of one or more of the package requirements of HA. You will need the package developer to fix this by setting different version requirements.
If you can say which package and i can tell you what exactly is conflicting.
thank you for the answer! that’s definitely the issue then.
out of curiosity, do different integrations share the same pip packages? say i have an integration that uses package==1.0.1 and another that uses package==1.0.2 would they prevent each other from installing/starting? or is this issue only with HA’s requirements?
Yes they do share. As HA runs in a single python environment, you can (afaik) only have 1 package version. However, lots have a range of versions they work/are test with.