Unable to integrate devices to UZB / Aeotec Gen5

Hi there, I am newby. I have managed to install Home Assistant and things work fine except z-wave.

I have bought the AEOTEC Gen5 stick and integrated it into the Home Assistant running on Rasp B3. Since the integration of my z-wave devices (Flood sensor by Abus) was not working, I additionally bought the UZB of z-wave.me.

I have reset and newly setup Home Assistant twice but I am unable to integrate/connect the device with the z-wave sticks.

Now I am absolutely lost. I tried to reset the device, to exclude it etc. My only idea now is that the frequency of the sticks could be wrong. How can I find out at which frequency the stick is working?

Does anyone have a idea for me or could give me suggestions, what I might be doing wrong? What info do you need?

Thanks you!