Unable to integrate smartthings on the webhook part (update)

Hello all,
I’m trying to integrate Smartthing in my HA installation.
My HA installation is reacheble via https://my_domain:8123
I go in configuration - integrations - I cllick the plus button and select the smartthing integration.
I get the page “Confirm Callback URL” but if I click on the link generated https://my_domain:8123/api/webhook/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I get a

405: Method Not Allowed error

the result is that if I continue on the following page, when I have to insert the PAT it does not work.

Do I miss something?

without changing anything, I did a step forward, but not until the end.

Now the same token is accepted!!! great news!

I set the location and the samsung page is opened

I give the name to the application, in the page where I should select the device, I try to “select all” but I’m not able… ok, anyway I can “allow” and I recive the success page.
The problem is that when I come back to the HA integration page it seems not reciving any feedback, and the only things I can do are:
click the button “open website” in the Authorize Home Assistant window (and I restart the loop)
or I click on the X button, but this just cancell all I did until now.

I have/had the same problem. Still see th 405 error, and I too cannot “select all”, but my issue was that I didnt see the “Allow” button in the right bottom corner. When I pressed that, it worked!

Was this problem resolved for you? I am having the same issue and can’t figure it out.

I am having the same issue. I have HA running on 2 RPIs. One came right up, the second one is having this issue. I get an additional error that Smartthings could not validate the Callback URL. How can I change the callback url?

I stumbled on the fix. In order to get the correct callback URL you need to log into nabu casa on the Configuration / Home Assistant Cloud tab. Once I did that, it provided the correct callback URL and I was able to complete the integration.

Does this work with webhooks?

I’m still getting

Smartthings webhook 405: Method Not Allowed

](Smartthings webhook 405: Method Not Allowed · Issue #36496 · home-assistant/core · GitHub)