I’ve been running this integration for my Lynx alarm for a few years. Sometime after 2025 updates, my integration broke. It’s done this in the past but I’ve always been able to delete and re-add the integration. However, this time I’m not getting anywhere.
I’ve tried creating a new user, assign a code, sync the alarm panel and users. Then when I go to add the integration back, I get the Unknown error occurred message. I can see in the Totalconnect website logs that the user does log in. However, my logfiles show the following:
Logger: total_connect_client.client
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.13/site-packages/total_connect_client/client.py:378
First occurred: 10:10:09 AM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 10:30:47 AM
no usercode for location xxxxxxxx
There is a user code assigned and panel is synced. I 've tried a custom HACs integration and can’t get it working either.