I’m using zigbee2mqtt with the Mosquitto broker add-in.
All works well, apart from I have 3 x devices that were previously connected to Smartthings, which I cannot get to join the HA zigbee2mqtt network.
I know my config is OK, because I remove a device from my HA zigbee2mqtt and added it back OK.
lLl three devices I am trying connect are Xiaomi (2 x temp sensors and 1 x movement sensor), I know these devices can be a pain for going to sleep, but I can’t seem to connect these 3 at all?
I got them working in the end, I came from Smartthings and then Openhan where the Xiaomi device either need a special device handler or zigbee2MQTT. So I didn’t think of trying to connect them directly to the Zigbee integration. Anyway over the weekend I managed t connect all my Xiaomi devices to directly to Zigbee. This has had the advantage that I have removed my Zigbee2MQTT integration and Mosquito.
So the moral of the story is to try the Zigbee integration first, I hope my experience helps others.