Hi all,
Sharing my experience here.
I was struggling with this configuration for about 2 days.
Had exactly the same issue: everything is properly configured, but on the last step, Google Home says: “linked”, but no devices are added.
I have a quiet big instance with around 200 devices. I assume, that this was causing a problem. Initially, my config used to look like this:
project_id: #project id
service_account: #service account json
report_state: true
- switch
- light
- group
Please note, that no other settings are currently set.
I decided to reduce the scope to minimum by changing my config to this:
project_id: #project id
service_account: #service account json
report_state: true
expose_by_default: false
expose: true
name: Table Lights
room: Living Room
Once i did it and re-started my server, i finally managed to add the app and got only 1 device on the home screen.
Then, i changed my config to include more devices in “entity_config” section. Re-started home assistant, and asked google assistant to sync my devices. Result: i managed to get more devices.
After that, i changed “expose_by_default” to true, re-started and synced devices again.
And now, i have 130 devices on my google assistant screen.
Interesting thing is - looks like google home does not support temperature / humidity / motion sensors.
Anyway, my recommendation, to break through that stupid problem, first try to use only one device, and once you linked, add more.