Unable to link "[test] Home Assistant" app in Google home


I am trying to link my test app in google home so that i can issue voice commands.
I have done following successfully: -

  1. Made HA public
  2. Made it secure
  3. Enabled duckDNS.
  4. Created service account
  5. Created Test app

My configuration looks really simple

  project_id: !secret google_assistant_id
  service_account: !include service-account.json
  expose_by_default: true

My steps in Google home android app are: -

open Home app

→ + icon on top left
→ Set up device
→ Have something already setup
→ Manage accounts
→ [Test] My app
→ it shows spinner and I am back on manage accounts.

I don’t go to login screen. I have tried everything. I have read forum. I dont have Home assistant HTML5 app on my phone. I never installed it. I even deleted bookmark in Chrome. My config is simple with no exposed domains as some people suggested.

Please help.

How can i even find out what is the error?


  • Home Assistant 0.106.5
  • Android phone using latest Google home app
  • Android OS version 9

You must forward a port in your router, i think it is 443

that is already done. I can open Home Assistant using domain name.
My entire setup related to making HA publicly accessible is already done.

Do you see any errors in the home assistant log? Do you see any HomeGraph API requests in the google cloud console? I’m guessing you’ve restarted home assistant since adding the google_assistant integration in your config.yaml?

I do not see any errors in home assistant log or in Google Log viewer. There is nothing, it is really so strange.

I have restarted multiple times.