Unable to load frontend with let's encrypt

I’ve been trying to setup let’s encrypt with Hass.io. I’ve tried through the duckdns add-on and the the let’s encrypt add-on and generated certificates fine through both methods but whenever I add the ssl information to configuration.yaml I am unable to load the frontend through the duckdns address, or my local ip. I can load into sambashare and can’t see anything obvious on the log either. I’ve got port 443 forwarded to 8123 at my router.
When I try to load the local ip, i just get nothing but when I try to load the duckdns address I get “NET::ERR_CERT_INVALID”
This is what i have in my configuration.yaml

base_url: xxx.duckdns.org:8123
ssl_certificate: /ssl/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /ssl/privkey.pem
api_password: xxxx

Thank you for your help

Bump, if anyone has any suggestions to fix this I would very much appreciate it

The YAML spacing is wrong. Please post the actual excerpt making sure to block out any private information again.

Also, if you RTFM regarding DuckDNS and Let’s Encrypt, you will also notice that the base_url must have a https://.. at the front.

If you are using Let's Encrypt, HA will automatically stop serving without https. First, try and navigate to https://ip-address:8123 (please notice the https at the front), and see if that works.