After a power failure I am unable to log in anymore. Samba is working so I have backup all my files. I do not have SSH add-on install therefore I do not see any option other than reinstall. I suppose even if I have a backup I cant restore unless I have SSH working since I cant login. I do see my log file but don<t see anything related to not being able to login. Any help would be very appreciated since I don’t want to loose all my configurations.
So you can still use Samba to access the files currently? That would suggest that HA is running to some extent and the issue is likely just that the GUI hasn’t started. The reason for the GUI not starting is likely a serious config error. Using Samba, have a read of your home-assistant.log
file for clues
I read the log but unable to find clues. Should I look for something specific. I have check for warning, error and nothing related to the config. I notice some of my automation still work except still unable to log https or local. I am getting ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Look like it is my nginx add-on refusing connection.
ok, I don’t have experience with nginx but can you modify your config slightly to make it so you can access HA without using nginx? using local IP address? Do you have a fixed local IP set correctly?
After many hours, re-install from snapshot and finally fresh new install and re-install component one at the time until I found out the insteon component was causing the issue (not being able to login). I have not change anything on the config related to this component and it was not working either when recovering from a month ago snapshot. This was the configuration in the config file:
ip_port: 25105
username: !secret insteon_username
password: !secret insteon_password
hub_version: 2
- address: 20.F4.CF
no idea why a check config from ssh was showing no error but with this component in the config somehow I was not able to login which mean invalid configuration file.
I had a similar error. For me it was a broken unifi controller. There were no errors in the log. The UI just did not load. Very strange
I found out my insteon hub http user and password was reset to manufacturer default, I suppose it is related to the power failure (insteon hub has rebooted). So because home assistant was not able to connect to the insteon hub I was unable to login.
Yes, but this should generate log entries and not „just stop working“! It was hard for me to find which component was the problem.