Unable to pair Devolco / Frient Electricity Meter (correctly) with Zigbe2MQTT - manufacturer not supportet

Hello to all, this is my first post here.

I am running Home Assistant on a Proxmox VE with a Conbee 2 stick on Zigbee2MQTT for my several Zigbee devices. All systems have the latest firmwares and stable software versions.

So far everything is working fine except my new Devolco ZHEMI101 / Frient Electricity Meter will not pair correctly with MQTT. The device is found by MQTT but says “Manufacturer not supported” and does not let me configure it nor let it deliver any sensor values. The Electricity Meter is even shown on the Zigbee map.

After looking through various search results about this topic I always found, that this combination seems to be easy to pair with no problems. Is there anyone with a similiar experience who has solved that issue?

Time solves everything. Somehow after a few hours the sensor was recognized doing nothing for it. Anyhow, as long as it works I am glad.

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