Unable to pair Z Wave devices to Zooz 700

I am trying to pair my Remotec IR/RF remote to the Z-Wave dongle (Zooz 700) collected to my Home Assistant Yellow. But each time, any exclusions or inclusion attempts return error LED indicator on the device.

I’ve tried re-installing Zwave JS, power cycles, factory reset and exclusion followed by inclusion, but each time the pairing is unsuccessful.

On my ZWave JS logs, I am seeing the following upon restarts. Am wondering if those logs in bold are critical errors and how do i resolve them?

2023-08-26T01:31:10.382Z CNTRLR Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try in 100 ms.
2023-08-26T01:31:10.713Z DRIVER no handlers registered!
2023-08-26T01:31:11.494Z CNTRLR Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try in 1100 ms.
2023-08-26T01:31:12.823Z DRIVER no handlers registered!
2023-08-26T01:31:13.610Z CNTRLR Soft reset failed: Timeout while waiting for an ACK from the controller (ZW020
2023-08-26T01:31:13.614Z CNTRLR Waiting for the controller to reconnect…
2023-08-26T01:31:15.116Z CNTRLR Waiting for the Serial API to start…
2023-08-26T01:31:20.118Z CNTRLR Did not receive notification that Serial API has started, checking if it respo
2023-08-26T01:31:20.146Z CNTRLR Serial API responded
2023-08-26T01:31:20.166Z CNTRLR supported Z-Wave features:
· SmartStart
2023-08-26T01:31:20.167Z CNTRLR querying controller capabilities…
2023-08-26T01:31:20.221Z CNTRLR received controller capabilities:
controller role: primary
is the SUC: true
started this network: true
SIS is present: true
was real primary: true
2023-08-26T01:31:20.221Z CNTRLR Enabling TX status report…
2023-08-26T01:31:20.240Z CNTRLR Enabling TX status report successful…
2023-08-26T01:31:20.241Z CNTRLR finding SUC…
2023-08-26T01:31:20.262Z CNTRLR This is the SUC
2023-08-26T01:31:20.262Z CNTRLR querying additional controller information…
2023-08-26T01:31:20.286Z CNTRLR received additional controller information:
Z-Wave API version: 1 (official)
Z-Wave chip type: EFR32ZG14 / ZGM130S
node type Controller
controller role: primary
controller is the SIS: true
controller supports timers: false
nodes in the network: 1
2023-08-26T01:31:20.326Z CNTRLR [Node 001] Embedded device config loaded
2023-08-26T01:31:20.349Z CNTRLR Interview completed
Starting server on
2023-08-26T01:31:20.387Z CNTRLR [Node 001] The node is alive.
2023-08-26T01:31:20.389Z CNTRLR [Node 001] The node is ready to be used
2023-08-26T01:31:20.390Z CNTRLR All nodes are ready to be used
ZwaveJS server listening on
New client

Those errors indicate trouble talking to the USB stick. How is the USB stick connected. Directly? On an extension? What color is the port you plugged into?

I am using HA Yellow hence only two usb ports. I currently connect directly but an extension cable is otw so I’ll try with the cable tonight.

Does it seem like interference issue? I’ve tried updating the firmware before, and that did not help also.

Yes. USB3 ports and HDDs are horrible interference sources for both Zigbee and ZWave sticks. There’s a video on the HA YouTube page demonstrating the issue v. Zigbee.

You NEED the extension to get the stick away from the box. The error your seeing is indicating that even though your stick is plugged in the yellow is having trouble talking to it. I’d be very suprised if the issue doesn’t dissappear with the extension.

In addition, avoid the USB3 ports (the orange or blue ones.) if possible.

Unfortunately still no luck after using the extension cable. I still see the same error messages after restarting the z wave js:(

This seems to be a normal berhavior, not all series 700 controllers support soft reset. Nevertheless, your conrtoller is starting.
It won’t be an interference problem either, the HA yellow doesn’t have USB 3.0, so there is almost no interference between 800 and 900 Mhz.

I think it is the combination of devices. To rule out HA/z-wave js as an error you can install Simplicity Studio from Silabs on your PC and test if you can pair here.
Otherwise try to pair another z-wave device in HA.

Thanks for all the tips so far. I have Simplicity Studio installed for the purpose of updating the firmware. However, I’m not sure how to test the pairing in SS. Any easy-to-follow guides around?

I just checked the logs in HA and found the following error msg. Not sure if I missed any settings.

Logger: homeassistant.config_entries
Source: config_entries.py:1250
First occurred: 00:00:38 (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 00:00:38

Config entry 'Z-Wave JS' for zwave_js integration not ready yet: Failed to connect: Cannot connect to host core-zwave-js:3000 ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 3000)]; Retrying in background

And these are the logs from ZWave JS Addon:

2023-08-27T16:00:57.536Z DRIVER     no handlers registered!
2023-08-27T16:00:58.315Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 1/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 100 ms.
2023-08-27T16:00:58.645Z DRIVER     no handlers registered!
2023-08-27T16:00:59.425Z CNTRLR   Failed to execute controller command after 2/3 attempts. Scheduling next try i
                                  n 1100 ms.
2023-08-27T16:01:00.752Z DRIVER     no handlers registered!
2023-08-27T16:01:01.539Z CNTRLR   Soft reset failed: Timeout while waiting for an ACK from the controller (ZW020
2023-08-27T16:01:01.542Z CNTRLR   Waiting for the controller to reconnect...
2023-08-27T16:01:03.046Z CNTRLR   Waiting for the Serial API to start...
2023-08-27T16:01:08.047Z CNTRLR   Did not receive notification that Serial API has started, checking if it respo
2023-08-27T16:01:08.099Z CNTRLR   Serial API responded
2023-08-27T16:01:08.121Z CNTRLR   supported Z-Wave features: 
                                    · SmartStart
2023-08-27T16:01:08.121Z CNTRLR   querying controller capabilities...
2023-08-27T16:01:08.141Z CNTRLR   received controller capabilities:
                                    controller role:      primary
                                    is the SUC:           true
                                    started this network: true
                                    SIS is present:       true
                                    was real primary:     true
2023-08-27T16:01:08.142Z CNTRLR   Enabling TX status report...
2023-08-27T16:01:08.162Z CNTRLR   Enabling TX status report successful...
2023-08-27T16:01:08.162Z CNTRLR   finding SUC...
2023-08-27T16:01:08.183Z CNTRLR   This is the SUC
2023-08-27T16:01:08.184Z CNTRLR   querying additional controller information...
2023-08-27T16:01:08.207Z CNTRLR   received additional controller information:
                                    Z-Wave API version:         1 (official)
                                    Z-Wave chip type:           EFR32ZG14 / ZGM130S
                                    node type                   Controller
                                    controller role:            primary
                                    controller is the SIS:      true
                                    controller supports timers: false
                                    nodes in the network:       1
2023-08-27T16:01:08.246Z CNTRLR   [Node 001] Embedded device config loaded
2023-08-27T16:01:08.269Z CNTRLR   Interview completed
Starting server on
2023-08-27T16:01:08.307Z CNTRLR   [Node 001] The node is alive.
2023-08-27T16:01:08.309Z CNTRLR   [Node 001] The node is ready to be used
2023-08-27T16:01:08.311Z CNTRLR   All nodes are ready to be used
ZwaveJS server listening on
New client

Try Add( if the device is nearby) or NWI(Networkwide Inclusion) and bring the device into inclusion mode:

Edit: Your zwave-js logs are ok.If you can see the Z-Waves device in HA, everything should work here.

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