Unable to re add matter devices to HA after factory resetting

Last week I bought two Linkid wifi compatible matter bulbs ( this items), followed the instructions and everything worked perfectly. This Monday a child inadvertently turned the light off and on 5 times, and did a factory reset of the bulbs.

Now I’m trying to re-integrate them the same way I did and I can’t, the app always gets stuck in the “Cannot access Google. Check your internet connection and try again”.

The bulbs are indeed accessible via bluetooth, as I have tried configuring them via wifi with the app (Aidot) and I can control them from there, however I would love to be able to have them on my HA dashboard.

Would anyone know what could be going on?

Log from matter server:
 Add-on: Matter Server
 Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.
 Add-on version: 6.2.1
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 12.4  (amd64 / generic-x86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2024.7.2
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2024.06.2
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums or the Discord chat.
s6-rc: info: service banner successfully started
s6-rc: info: service matter-server: starting
s6-rc: info: service matter-server successfully started
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services: starting
[17:50:35] INFO: Starting Matter Server...
s6-rc: info: service legacy-services successfully started
[17:50:38] INFO: Using 'enp3s0' as primary network interface.
[17:50:39] INFO: Successfully send discovery information to Home Assistant.
2024-07-10 17:50:47.345 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.stack] Initializing CHIP/Matter Logging...
2024-07-10 17:50:47.349 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.stack] Initializing CHIP/Matter Controller Stack...
[1720626648.125120][126:126] CHIP:CTL: Setting attestation nonce to random value
[1720626648.174005][126:126] CHIP:CTL: Setting CSR nonce to random value
[1720626648.290697][126:126] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /tmp/chip_kvs
[1720626648.291360][126:126] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/tmp/chip_kvs-NnV1iJ)
[1720626648.291530][126:126] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/tmp/chip_kvs)
[1720626648.292085][126:126] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /data/chip_factory.ini
[1720626648.311652][126:126] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /data/chip_config.ini
[1720626648.341931][126:126] CHIP:DL: ChipLinuxStorage::Init: Using KVS config file: /data/chip_counters.ini
[1720626648.409905][126:126] CHIP:DL: writing settings to file (/data/chip_counters.ini-JGMtRJ)
[1720626648.410339][126:126] CHIP:DL: renamed tmp file to file (/data/chip_counters.ini)
[1720626648.410379][126:126] CHIP:DL: NVS set: chip-counters/reboot-count = 7 (0x7)
[1720626648.411041][126:126] CHIP:DL: Got Ethernet interface: enp3s0
[1720626648.411539][126:126] CHIP:DL: Found the primary Ethernet interface:enp3s0
[1720626648.412033][126:126] CHIP:DL: Got WiFi interface: wlp2s0
[1720626648.413392][126:126] CHIP:DL: Found the primary WiFi interface:wlp2s0
2024-07-10 17:50:48.415 (MainThread) WARNING [PersistentStorage] Initializing persistent storage from file: /data/chip.json
2024-07-10 17:50:48.417 (MainThread) WARNING [PersistentStorage] Loading configuration from /data/chip.json...
2024-07-10 17:50:48.812 (MainThread) WARNING [CertificateAuthorityManager] Loading certificate authorities from storage...
2024-07-10 17:50:48.813 (MainThread) WARNING [CertificateAuthority] New CertificateAuthority at index 1
2024-07-10 17:50:48.841 (MainThread) WARNING [CertificateAuthority] Loading fabric admins from storage...
2024-07-10 17:50:48.842 (MainThread) WARNING [FabricAdmin] New FabricAdmin: FabricId: 0x0000000000000002, VendorId = 0x134B
2024-07-10 17:50:48.843 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.stack] CHIP Controller Stack initialized.
2024-07-10 17:50:48.846 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.server] Starting the Matter Server...
2024-07-10 17:50:48.857 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.helpers.paa_certificates] Skip fetching certificates (already fetched within the last 24h).
2024-07-10 17:50:48.857 (MainThread) WARNING [FabricAdmin] Allocating new controller with CaIndex: 1, FabricId: 0x0000000000000002, NodeId: 0x000000000001B669, CatTags: []
2024-07-10 17:50:49.563 (Dummy-2) CHIP_ERROR [chip.native.DL] Long dispatch time: 702 ms, for event type 2
2024-07-10 17:50:49.606 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.device_controller] Loaded 1 nodes from stored configuration
2024-07-10 17:50:49.626 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.vendor_info] Loading vendor info from storage.
2024-07-10 17:50:49.646 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.vendor_info] Loaded 222 vendors from storage.
2024-07-10 17:50:49.647 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.vendor_info] Fetching the latest vendor info from DCL.
2024-07-10 17:50:50.127 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.vendor_info] Fetched 220 vendors from DCL.
2024-07-10 17:50:50.128 (MainThread) INFO [matter_server.server.vendor_info] Saving vendor info to storage.
Matter integration debug log:

2024-07-10 17:25:32.054 WARNING (zeroconf-ServiceBrowser-_googlecast._tcp-108) [pychromecast.dial] Failed to determine cast type for host <unknown> (HTTP Error 403: Forbidden) (services:{MDNSServiceInfo(name='AGT419-76c45463968a94311fae325d43071aff._googlecast._tcp.local.')})
2024-07-10 17:26:24.314 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Failed to set the Matter Server add-on options: not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['options']. Got {}
2024-07-10 17:26:36.522 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Failed to get Matter Server add-on discovery info
2024-07-10 17:26:41.538 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Failed to get Matter Server add-on discovery info
2024-07-10 17:26:46.544 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Failed to get Matter Server add-on discovery info
2024-07-10 17:36:06.830 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.tplink.entity] Unable to read data for <DeviceType.Plug at - Enchufe Termo (P115)> switch.enchufe_termo_auto_update_enabled: get_latest_fw for Firmware (error_code=UNSPECIFIC_ERROR)
2024-07-10 17:37:54.361 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Failed to start the Matter Server add-on: Another job is running for job group addon_core_matter_server
2024-07-10 17:38:14.438 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Failed to start the Matter Server add-on: Another job is running for job group addon_core_matter_server
2024-07-10 17:50:12.500 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Disconnected from server. Reloading integration
2024-07-10 17:50:12.510 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Add-on store info: {'advanced': False, 'arch': ['aarch64', 'amd64'], 'available': True, 'build': False, 'description': 'Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.', 'documentation': True, 'homeassistant': '2024.6.0', 'icon': True, 'installed': True, 'logo': True, 'name': 'Matter Server', 'repository': 'core', 'slug': 'core_matter_server', 'stage': 'stable', 'update_available': True, 'url': 'https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/matter_server', 'version_latest': '6.2.1', 'version': '6.1.2', 'apparmor': 'default', 'auth_api': False, 'detached': False, 'docker_api': False, 'full_access': False, 'hassio_api': True, 'hassio_role': 'default', 'homeassistant_api': False, 'host_network': True, 'host_pid': False, 'ingress': True, 'long_description': '# Home Assistant Add-on: Matter Server\n\n![Supports aarch64 Architecture][aarch64-shield]\n![Supports amd64 Architecture][amd64-shield]\n\n## About\n\nMatter Python WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Core. Matter (formerly\nknown as Connected Home over IP or CHIP) is an IPv6 based smart home\nstandard. This add-on provides a Matter Controller which allows you to\ncommission and control of Matter devices. The matching Home Assistant Core\nintegration communicates via WebSocket with this server.\n\n[aarch64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/aarch64-yes-green.svg\n[amd64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/amd64-yes-green.svg\n', 'rating': 6, 'signed': False}
2024-07-10 17:50:17.913 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Add-on store info: {'advanced': False, 'arch': ['aarch64', 'amd64'], 'available': True, 'build': False, 'description': 'Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.', 'documentation': True, 'homeassistant': '2024.6.0', 'icon': True, 'installed': True, 'logo': True, 'name': 'Matter Server', 'repository': 'core', 'slug': 'core_matter_server', 'stage': 'stable', 'update_available': True, 'url': 'https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/matter_server', 'version_latest': '6.2.1', 'version': '6.1.2', 'apparmor': 'default', 'auth_api': False, 'detached': False, 'docker_api': False, 'full_access': False, 'hassio_api': True, 'hassio_role': 'default', 'homeassistant_api': False, 'host_network': True, 'host_pid': False, 'ingress': True, 'long_description': '# Home Assistant Add-on: Matter Server\n\n![Supports aarch64 Architecture][aarch64-shield]\n![Supports amd64 Architecture][amd64-shield]\n\n## About\n\nMatter Python WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Core. Matter (formerly\nknown as Connected Home over IP or CHIP) is an IPv6 based smart home\nstandard. This add-on provides a Matter Controller which allows you to\ncommission and control of Matter devices. The matching Home Assistant Core\nintegration communicates via WebSocket with this server.\n\n[aarch64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/aarch64-yes-green.svg\n[amd64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/amd64-yes-green.svg\n', 'rating': 6, 'signed': False}
2024-07-10 17:50:28.134 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Add-on store info: {'advanced': False, 'arch': ['aarch64', 'amd64'], 'available': True, 'build': False, 'description': 'Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.', 'documentation': True, 'homeassistant': '2024.6.0', 'icon': True, 'installed': True, 'logo': True, 'name': 'Matter Server', 'repository': 'core', 'slug': 'core_matter_server', 'stage': 'stable', 'update_available': False, 'url': 'https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/matter_server', 'version_latest': '6.2.1', 'version': '6.2.1', 'apparmor': 'default', 'auth_api': False, 'detached': False, 'docker_api': False, 'full_access': False, 'hassio_api': True, 'hassio_role': 'default', 'homeassistant_api': False, 'host_network': True, 'host_pid': False, 'ingress': True, 'long_description': '# Home Assistant Add-on: Matter Server\n\n![Supports aarch64 Architecture][aarch64-shield]\n![Supports amd64 Architecture][amd64-shield]\n\n## About\n\nMatter Python WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Core. Matter (formerly\nknown as Connected Home over IP or CHIP) is an IPv6 based smart home\nstandard. This add-on provides a Matter Controller which allows you to\ncommission and control of Matter devices. The matching Home Assistant Core\nintegration communicates via WebSocket with this server.\n\n[aarch64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/aarch64-yes-green.svg\n[amd64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/amd64-yes-green.svg\n', 'rating': 6, 'signed': False}
2024-07-10 17:50:49.062 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Add-on store info: {'advanced': False, 'arch': ['aarch64', 'amd64'], 'available': True, 'build': False, 'description': 'Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.', 'documentation': True, 'homeassistant': '2024.6.0', 'icon': True, 'installed': True, 'logo': True, 'name': 'Matter Server', 'repository': 'core', 'slug': 'core_matter_server', 'stage': 'stable', 'update_available': False, 'url': 'https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/matter_server', 'version_latest': '6.2.1', 'version': '6.2.1', 'apparmor': 'default', 'auth_api': False, 'detached': False, 'docker_api': False, 'full_access': False, 'hassio_api': True, 'hassio_role': 'default', 'homeassistant_api': False, 'host_network': True, 'host_pid': False, 'ingress': True, 'long_description': '# Home Assistant Add-on: Matter Server\n\n![Supports aarch64 Architecture][aarch64-shield]\n![Supports amd64 Architecture][amd64-shield]\n\n## About\n\nMatter Python WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Core. Matter (formerly\nknown as Connected Home over IP or CHIP) is an IPv6 based smart home\nstandard. This add-on provides a Matter Controller which allows you to\ncommission and control of Matter devices. The matching Home Assistant Core\nintegration communicates via WebSocket with this server.\n\n[aarch64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/aarch64-yes-green.svg\n[amd64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/amd64-yes-green.svg\n', 'rating': 6, 'signed': False}
2024-07-10 17:51:29.551 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.matter] Add-on store info: {'advanced': False, 'arch': ['aarch64', 'amd64'], 'available': True, 'build': False, 'description': 'Matter WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Matter support.', 'documentation': True, 'homeassistant': '2024.6.0', 'icon': True, 'installed': True, 'logo': True, 'name': 'Matter Server', 'repository': 'core', 'slug': 'core_matter_server', 'stage': 'stable', 'update_available': False, 'url': 'https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/tree/master/matter_server', 'version_latest': '6.2.1', 'version': '6.2.1', 'apparmor': 'default', 'auth_api': False, 'detached': False, 'docker_api': False, 'full_access': False, 'hassio_api': True, 'hassio_role': 'default', 'homeassistant_api': False, 'host_network': True, 'host_pid': False, 'ingress': True, 'long_description': '# Home Assistant Add-on: Matter Server\n\n![Supports aarch64 Architecture][aarch64-shield]\n![Supports amd64 Architecture][amd64-shield]\n\n## About\n\nMatter Python WebSocket Server for Home Assistant Core. Matter (formerly\nknown as Connected Home over IP or CHIP) is an IPv6 based smart home\nstandard. This add-on provides a Matter Controller which allows you to\ncommission and control of Matter devices. The matching Home Assistant Core\nintegration communicates via WebSocket with this server.\n\n[aarch64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/aarch64-yes-green.svg\n[amd64-shield]: https://img.shields.io/badge/amd64-yes-green.svg\n', 'rating': 6, 'signed': False}

HA version:
Core: 2024.7.2
Supervisor:2 024.06.2
Operating System: 12.4
Frontend: 20240710.0