Unable to remove device for tracking from Person

I got a new phone, and want to stop tracking my old one for presence detection. On the mobile app if I click the X next to my old phone the box clears, but when I update then check back the old device is still listed. I’m using the Android app.

You clicked the update button?


Did you try deleting the entire device for the old phone on the integrations panel?


Yes - after click the X next to a device, the entry is cleared. Then I click the update button, and am taken straight to the People list - if I go back into the same person, the device is still listed.

Of course, if I delete the device then it gets removed from the person. But I may not want to remove the device - just stop using it to detect a person’s presence.

This works fine in the Web UI.

Fixed with 2022.08.03 :+1:

Still getting it with 2022.8.4. Exactly the same behaviour as before. Unable to remove a device from a person in the Android app.

follow this bug https://github.com/home-assistant/frontend/issues/13351