Unable to remove third party integrations

The problem is that I can’t remove any integrations
I would like to resolve for all…

well, I read the whole thread and you’ve given very little information. Please take screenshots of the process you are doing when attempting to remove a integration from the ui.

These are the steps:
-3 dots menu and click Delete

  • Popup confirm ok


  • But the integration is still there also after reboot

And what errors occur in the logs?

Also, you said this but your screenshots show the mikrotik integration, which if you already removed via hacs, you have to do this:

The other integrations should remove fine.

I make the same steps for any integrations but none are removed

ok, you still haven’t done this:

In the log I dont see any error
I can restart HA try to remove an integration with those 3 steps and send you the log (debug)

Not sure how I can help if you aren’t seeing errors. There should be errors or the integration should be removed. Are you looking at homeassistant.log?


I’m watching the core.config_entries file
Now I make a copy and try to edit
If I shut down how to start after edit ?

You have to connect to it over ssh, which means you need the ssh addon and putty or terminal on another device. Or you can just reboot the machine. I’d take a snapshot before you do anything.

Ok thank you
I’ll report you …

I successfully edited the file and removed some integrations
Thank You

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