I just tried to restart home assistant and got the following error:
Logger: homeassistant.components.hassio
Source: components/hassio/init .py:566
Integration: Home Assistant Supervisor (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:32:19 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 3:32:19 PM
The system cannot restart because the configuration is not valid: Platform error notify.mqtt - No module named ‘homeassistant.components.mqtt.notify’
I am at a loss as to what this is. Can anyone help?
Running Home Assistant 2023.6.2
Supervisor 2023.06.2
Operating System 10.2
Frontend 20230608.0 - latest
Try this, as it has worked for me a few times… Remove power for a minute and restart.
Thanks for your suggestion. If i remove power it will reboot but i get the same error if i try a restart through home assistant. Something must be wrong in my config but I have no clue what.
Others, smarter than me, may have better suggestions.
(Chris B)
June 18, 2023, 8:11am
Random guess: You added some YAML related to mqtt.notify
/ notify.mqtt
Random guess: It’s wrong.
Please show us what you did
That’s the strange thing. I have not changed any YAML and have nothing in it with mqtt.notify or notify.mqtt. All I have done is update to 2023.6.2
I may have found the issue. I just commented out the following lines:
# Octoprint Slicer Image Sensor current
# - platform: mqtt
# state_topic: "octoPrint/progress/printing"
# value_template: "{{(value_json.path)|regex_replace(find='gcode', replace='png', ignorecase=True)}}"
# force_update: true
# name: "Octoprint Gcode Image"
and it now works. This code has been in my config for well over a year. I take it something has changed with the latest update.