Unable to retrieve and view OpenAI image

I am attempting to use the OpenAI integration to create an image based on a prompt and display it in a card. I have followed the instructions from this page:

However, the image is not displaying. Something seems to be going wrong with my template sensor. Here is my current progress.

  1. Created script to call OpenAI service and store response in a variable and then fire an event with the url from the response data.
  - service: openai_conversation.generate_image
      size: '512'
      config_entry: ***REDACTED***
      prompt: race between a greyhound and cheetah on the beach
    response_variable: generated_image
  - event: new_openai_image
      url: '{{ generated_image.url }}'
  mode: single
  1. I verified that the event is firing as expected using the developer tools to listen for events at that event_name.

  2. I verified that the url shown in the event is working. I see the expected image when I navigate to the url in my browser.

  3. Created a template sensor using event platform, copying from the above documentation.

- trigger:
    alias: "Update image when a new OpenAI image is generated"
    platform: event
    event_type: new_openai_image
    name: "OpenAI generated image"
    url: "{{ trigger.event.data.url }}"
  1. The configuration successfully loads and I see a new entity with the given name. When I run the script, the state of the entity updates with the time that the script was run to create a new image.

  2. However, when I click to open the entity, I just see a broken image.

  3. When I check the logs, I see a 403 response error.

  4. Inside the error message, there are two slightly different URLs. The URL from the first half of the error message is the same as what I see from my event data. I can copy this URL into my browser and successfully see the image. But the URL listed in the second half of the error message has UTF character replacements. And if I paste it into my browser, I get the 403 error.

  • Some of the / characters from the original URL are replaced with %2F in the malformed URL.
  • Some of the % characters from the original URL are replaced with %25 in the malformed URL.