Unable to scrape value from webpage

In Catalonia we have extreme drought at the moment, so I would like to keep tabs on the reserves presented in this webpage (currently 17.27%): Estat de les reserves d’aigua als embassaments. El portal de la sequera (gencat.cat)

According to the various sites I have seen, this should be straight forward by using inspection and copy selector into the select (#aca-drop > div.current-text > div.number > span.percentage)

Whatever I do, I just don’t seem to get the value…
Does anyone have a clue or understanding why this might be? I use the standard integration of scrape and just enter resource and the selector.

Thanks for the help! Hope it’s something simple I am just overseeing!

Finally got it working. Took a good amount of time to find the right tags but I got it through basically debugging through using beautifulsoup until I got the right selection. Once I had that I could use it in the selector and with a bit of templating obtained the result I was looking for.