Unable to send images from local media folder

Hi, I’m trying to send an notification with an image (from the Synology DSM integration) to the Home Assistant Companion app. I’m getting the notification but not the image… :thinking:

Has any one had any luck with sending image: media-source:// to the Home Assistant Companion app?

The integration for DSM is:
Synology DSM - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
The integration allows pictures from the Synology Photos app to be shown in the media folder.
In Home Assistant I’m able to navigate to the pictures, and according to the Synology docs this should give me a media url as such: media-source://synology_dsm/<unique_id>/<album_id>/<image>

Via the Mobile App - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io) integration, and with the Home Assistant Companion app on my Android phone, I’m try to send the following notification with an image as an attachment ( Standard Attachments | Home Assistant Companion Docs (home-assistant.io) ) :

service: notify.mobile_app_<device>
    title: Synology Photos • QR Code
    message: QR Code from Synology Photos
      channel: Synology
      notification_icon: mdi:qrcode-scan
      group: Synology
      tag: Synology
      image: media-source://synology_dsm/<unique_id>/<album_id>/<image>

I have removed the real source of the device and the image, since I know that I’m sending the correct data

In the Home Assistant Companion app in the debug I’m seeing:

Failed to create image decoder with message ‘unimplemented’

06-23 22:24:13.222  5259  6408 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
06-23 22:24:13.223  5259  6408 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 2 received
06-23 22:24:13.226  5259  6598 D WebSocketRepository: Sending message 84: {type=mobile_app/push_notification_confirm, webhook_id=#################, confirm_id=###############, id=84}
06-23 22:24:13.227  5259  6598 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 84 sent
06-23 22:24:13.399  5259  6408 D WebSocketRepository: Websocket: onMessage (text)
06-23 22:24:13.400  5259  6408 D WebSocketRepository: Message number 84 received
06-23 22:24:13.420  5259  5259 D MessagingService: Creating notification with following data: {channel=Synology, notification_icon=mdi:qrcode-scan, group=Synology, tag=Synology, image=media-source://synology_dsm/######/##/######, message=QR Code from Synology Photos, title=Synology Photos • QR Code, webhook_id=#################################, server_id=1}
06-23 22:24:13.435  5259  5259 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
06-23 22:24:13.435  5259  5259 D ServerConnectionInfo: Using internal URL
06-23 22:24:13.439  5259  5976 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: true, usesWifi is: true
06-23 22:24:13.439  5259  5976 D ServerConnectionInfo: Using internal URL
06-23 22:24:13.446  5259  5976 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(5) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
06-23 22:24:13.520  5259  5976 D OpenGLRenderer: --- Failed to create image decoder with message 'unimplemented'
06-23 22:24:13.523  5259  5259 D MessagingService: Show notification with tag "Synology" and id "#######"
06-23 22:24:13.530  5259  5259 D MessagingService: Show group notification with tag "group_Synology" and id "-########"

Has any one had any luck with sending image: media-source:// to the Home Assistant Companion app?