Unable to set a Z-Wave device configuration parameter

I was able to successfully pair the Zooz Zen27 switch to my HA, but it shows up as a light. I’m also unable to call the zwave js device config parameter. I’m using the development tools to do this. I have a sensor light and button entities available. Where have I gone wrong?

What’s the problem there? The ZEN27 is a dimmer switch, so it’s a light entity in HA.

You would need to post the YAML code you are using and what the error is. Are you trying to create an automation? If no, why not just use the Configuration UI to set the parameter?

I would expect a ZEN27 to have node status sensor, light, and ping button entities, so no problem there.

When I click on the config for the switch I just get this.

Try a Re-interview. Also, the “Device Status” must be “Ready”.

Yup ready.

service: zwave_js.set_config_parameter
  parameter: '2'
  value: '1'
  entity_id: light.node_2

the Yaml of what im trying to achieve.

Did you try a re-interview? If the parameters don’t show up in the UI, you won’t be able to use the service call.

I did. Same results. weird.

This is the addon im using

You can look in the debug logs, I would guess there are a lot of errors.

I think your initial inclusion failed. The device supports S2, but was included w/o S2 security, the node name is the generic “Node 2”, and there’s no device information (product name ZEN27, etc.). I would try excluding and re-including again. If that doesn’t work, unless you post those detailed driver debug logs, I can only recommend going through the generic troubleshooting steps:

Very first troubleshooting step would be to make sure the USB stick is plugged into an extension cord.

100% did exclude and re-include. Boom. Shows up right. Darn I feel dumb. That is the digital version of unplug it and plug it back in. Thank you for your patience and kindness. I will pay it forward.

I will say for some reason the config parameter changes didn’t work, but i could change the parameters under devtools > Call service.

Also I need to update the dimmer firmware. I think they are up to v4 or something.

There’s a bug in UI for the current release that you probably hit, resets the parameter back to 0. It was fixed, but I guess not released yet. The service call is not affected, as you found out.

Looks like this has just been fixed. Was about to post about Aeotec and Fibaro devices not having the state for parameters, or updating them. Thanks HA Team (Core 2022.3.5 fixed it for me)

I also switched from a zooz stick to an Aeotec 5 plus and now everything works