Unable to Set Local Network URL

Any ideas why this is grayed out? Or how I can set it in configuration.yaml?

I tried looking at the http page but I don’t seem to see any parameter for it.

I have no issues accessing my HA server, or even local files stored in the www folder, or playing media files in the web interface. But when I tried to make an automation action to play one of those media files on a media player, it says this:

It want a domain and not an IP

Specifically https needs a cert and a cert need a domain name. Cert doesn’t cover IP

Do you have Home Assistant Cloud enabled? Settings → Home Assistant Cloud

Do you have Home Assistant Cloud enabled? Settings → Home Assistant Cloud

I have remote access disabled if that’s what you mean. I don’t want to enable remote (internet) access of any kind, only use a local IP.

It want a domain and not an IP

I can’t set either. The text box is not editable.

Can you toggle Use Home Assistant Cloud off?

Specifically https needs a cert and a cert need a domain name. Cert doesn’t cover IP

Yes the certificate has the Common Name set to a fully qualified domain name, the certificate is set up fine, and it works when connecting to via the domain name (I have the DNS record entries pointing locally). Again the problem is I can’t even set it at all. The certificate also has an “IP” field value so it works with both the domain name and local IP directly. I am indeed trying to set it to the domain though.

Can you toggle Use Home Assistant Cloud off?

Doesn’t seem like it. I tried temporarily turning on remote access in the cloud settings but that doesn’t fix the box being grayed out when I disable the ‘Automatic’ toggle. Also interestingly, when I enable remote access, I still can’t change the “Use Home Assistant Cloud” toggle.

Forgot to ask… What are the details of your installation? See #10 here: How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question.

Could you also post your configuration.yaml settings ?
And Automation/Code , and don’t forget to check your LOGs also a “primary” step

I’m running it on a dedicated Intel NUC, using the latest 2024.6.2.

I have figured it out I think, I need to use the internal_url option in configuration.yaml under homeassistant: as described here.

When I do that the box is still grayed out but at least it now shows the URL I put in there. The media player no longer gives me the error. I also set the external_url and that shows up there too looking like this. So internal_url corresponds to the “local network” box and external_url corresponds to the “internet” box.

I’m still having issues with getting it to play but I think it’s a separate issue. I can post an update when I figure it out.