Hello all,
I just started using Home Assistant a few weeks ago and I’ve been able to add all my Zwave devices and just about everything has worked well so far.
I was also able to add my ADC T2000 thermostat and I can change the temperature set point and heat/cool mode okay, but when I try to configure the device using the Z-Wave Device Configuration UI, there are several parameters like Calibration Temperature, Overshoot, Swing, Balance SetPoint, Max/Min Heat Setpoint, Max/Min Cool Setpoint Heat Differential, Cool Differential and temperature reporting threshold that always report back an out of range value when HomeAssistant tries to read the value back after setting it.
It doesn’t do this for all the parameters, some of them like HVAC System type, Number of heat/cool stages, heat fuel type and heating/cooling staging delay all seem to be able to be changed and read back correctly.
I tried searching the forums but I can’t find anything that says whether these values are currently supported. The devices.zwave-js.io site shows the ADC-T 2000 thermostat as having those parameters as configurable and they showed up after adding the thermostat to Homeassistant I just can’t seem to change them.
I captured the logs from trying to Swing temperature value and pasted them below. Has anyone else seen this issue with the same thermostat or even a different one?
I’m currently running Zwave JS version: 0.1.40 and updated homeassistant to the latest version last night to see if that would fix anything. No luck though.
Subscribed to Z-Wave JS Log Messages…
2021-09-22T14:42:10.057Z DRIVER » [Node 005] [REQ] [SendData]
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ callback id: 29
parameter #: 7
reset to default: false
value size: 4
value format: SignedInteger
value: 15
2021-09-22T14:42:10.075Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
was sent: true
2021-09-22T14:42:10.089Z DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData]
callback id: 29
transmit status: OK
2021-09-22T14:42:11.138Z DRIVER » [Node 005] [REQ] [SendData]
│ transmit options: 0x25
│ callback id: 30
parameter #: 7
2021-09-22T14:42:11.153Z DRIVER « [RES] [SendData]
was sent: true
2021-09-22T14:42:11.164Z DRIVER « [REQ] [SendData]
callback id: 30
transmit status: OK
2021-09-22T14:42:11.261Z DRIVER « [Node 005] [REQ] [ApplicationCommand]
parameter #: 7
value size: 4
value: 704643072