Unable to set wake up interval?

I have trouble setting the wake up interval on my FIBARO MOTION SENSOR
FGMS-001. Using the “Z-Wave Manager” in “Home Assistant” I see the node and the “Node config options” where right there I see a “1” and the “SET WAKEUP” right below it. When I try to set it to 10 or 100 it gets reset to 1 after a while.
Any idea how to get out of this - or am I trying to do it in the wrong place? Or is it just showing the wrong value?

It’s a battery sensor so you will need to wake it up with the internal button before applying changes.

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Yes, sure, I tried that as well and it appears I was able to change the value now (data refresh is no longer every second) but the Home Assistant Web UI still tells me the wake up interval is 1:

FIBAROzAuge 23 minutes ago Sleeping

max baud rate 40000
is info received true
capabilities routing, beaming
product name FGMS001-ZW5 Motion Sensor
receivedDups 3
sentTS 2017-10-20 16:45:17:135
neighbors 7
manufacturer name FIBARO System
is awake false
receivedTS 2017-10-20 17:06:01:370
averageResponseRTT 203
receivedCnt 139
lastResponseRTT 310
is ready true
battery level 92
node name FIBAROzAuge
averageRequestRTT 437
sentFailed 1
new entity id zwave.fibarozauge
sentCnt 23
node id 11
retries 0
is failed false
receivedUnsolicited 119
old entity id zwave.fibarozauge_11
query stage Complete
is zwave plus true
lastRequestRTT 790
wake up interval 1

If you use the </> button it’ll retain formatting for the plain text you paste :wink:

That suggests that the device didn’t wake and acknowledge the change. Try waking the device and immediately selecting Refresh Node for it in the Z-Wave menu (you’ll have about 2 to 4 seconds between waking the device and it going back to sleep).

Oh, sorry, yes, I forgot </> would have been better for that block.

The change appears to be in place and working but Home Assistant does not know about it, rebooting does not help and the Refresh Node was a good hint but that did not do the trick either :frowning:

or by screenshot :slight_smile:

I just tried changing mine, and it stays at 7200 and infact resets to this no matter what I tried, however I don’t really want it waking all the time anyway :slight_smile: as it would cause the battery to run out pretty quickly. (to wake it press the button 3x quickly)

I think what happens is that the 1 second wakeup window make the sensor start it’s update sequence immediately, and does not receive the set-wakeup. This sucks big time, as I am not able to do no configurations at all. I have tried frenetically triple-click, set parameter, set-wakeup-sequences. Had one sensor i did full reset on, and it stuck back to 7200 seconds. Then I could give it 30 seconds for easier configuration. Still need triple clicking, but better anyway. I just do not want to reset and re-add this sensor once more. These are pain to include.

It shouldn’t be 1 second, I think that only happens if the battery is running out (it always says it’s at 100%), they normal have about 15secs of blue light then it goes back to sleep and you have to wake it again, so I usually manage to get three parameters set each time. Tho’ I do have trouble with the wake mode, it seems not to want to take that setting :frowning: